Prayer for the sustenance of faith


Preserving faith and a good conscience, which some, rejecting, have made shipwreck of their faith.1 Timothy 1:19

My Lord and God, I set before you to seek you with this prayer of support in faith. Because I want the flame of my faith lit, that's why I glorify your name and rise to embrace your arms of unparalleled compassion and kindness. Forgive me and sanctify my life and change what needs to change in me.

Darkness can never prevail against your light that shines infinitely. May the Holy Spirit give me more confidence so that in the midst of trials I do not abandon you. I never want to move away from you, going down paths that lead to destruction. That's why feed me with your truth, comfort me with your hope.

Lord, when I am without strength, my feet are stumbling, give me strength. Hear this prayer for the support of faith and come and act powerfully in my life. Feed my faith, fill me with hope and give me courage to fight in this life. Take my glory to the dust, do in me what I cannot do on my own.



My soul is satisfied only with your eternal truth. My consolation in moments of anguish is in your promises that will be fulfilled in due time. Just like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others selected who kept the faith, I also want to, awaiting the promise of the soon return of. Jesus comes soon, at the right time for the fulfillment of all things.

Listen to this prayer of mine for the support of faith, it helps me to get closer to the Lord. Your presence sanctifies my soul and maintains my faith in you above all else. Fill me with love and compassion, renew me completely. This way I can praise you with my mind, body and spirit. That's why always revive my faith and renew your mercies.

I know that at various times I will have my faith tested. I know that difficulties will always appear to test my faith, but the foundation of my house is in Jesus. He is an immovable rock that never changes, but is faithful to death, even death on a cross. So help me to be faithful in both good times and storms. That's why I pray this prayer for the support of faith. My salvation is in your hands, my name is written in the wounded hands of Jesus. I thank you for such a great act of love and mercy, for your justice not having fallen on me. I thank you because With my faith I can take possession of the righteousness of Jesus as if it were my own.

Beloved God, steady my steps, help me to be among those prepared. Save my family, take care of them all, ignite faith in the hearts of those who have not yet given their lives to you. Take our life to the Lord, lift up our face to see you.

In this prayer for the support of faith, help me to have the faith of Abraham who accepted the call to leave his home. Help me to have the faith of Daniel who was thrown into the lion's den and the Lord delivered him. Help me to be like Joseph who remained pure, also to be like Moses who was meek.

I pray this prayer in the name of your beloved Son Jesus. Amen!

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