Prayer of Appreciation


I thank you for making me so extraordinary; Your works are wonderful, and I know this very well.Psalms 139:14

Lord my God, this moment that I have with you with prayer of appreciation It's because I want to be close to you. The Lord has done great things in my life, changing it and transforming my interior. For this I thank you, O Lord, act powerfully in my life. This way I live feeling more and more connected to you.

Come and live in me and help me every day to appreciate your advice. Then I will put into practice in my life what I have learned from you, mighty God. I will see your face because I cling to Jesus, my savior and king, the one who redeemed me on the cross of Calvary, the one who gives me gifts.

In my prayer of appreciation I pray that you sanctify me and strengthen my faith at all times. Thus I will grow spiritually to the honor and glory of your name. I bow my mind to you, giving praise and exalting your blessed name. That way my union with you will increase even more, providing me with great experience.



My soul rejoices with your great actions in my life. Therefore, I pray that you strengthen my faith and courage so that I can walk the path firmly. I will love your truth today and always, because it changed my life and gave me meaning in existence. So I raise my hands up and I exalt the Lord, I pray to grow in grace.

My God, in this prayer of appreciation of mine I wish to appreciate what you do in my life, how you have worked in me. Continue to strengthen my faith and support me when the weight becomes too much for me. Thus my spiritual life will grow to your exaltation. From you comes the radiance of grace that enters the heart and changes life.

I need you like a thirsty person needs water. In this way I will improve, strengthening all my spiritual and mental faculties. I prepared myself for the heights, for the heavenly mansions. Thanks I give you for everything I learned from you, for your work of salvation that makes an immense transformation in my life.

I rejoice in seeking you with this prayer of appreciation because you sanctify me and prepare me for your kingdom. So I give my life to the Lord, take care of my path and all my plans and goals in life. Help me to always keep my heart firm looking at the author and finisher of my faith, Jesus Christ.

Lord God, your action in our lives is great, because the Lord acts fully. Come with your Spirit into my home and bring light to my home. Each member of my family can feel the touch of your Holy Spirit in their hearts. I know that The Lord does not forget your promises and always covers us, protecting us.

I trust you completely and dedicate time to the Lord with this prayer of appreciation. I recognize your goodness and mercy, help me to see what the Lord wants me to see. Help me focus on the things that really matter.

I consecrate myself to you entirely, I place my life in your hands with all this petition and recognition of who you are and have done. In the name of my beloved Jesus. Amen!

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