Heavenly Race Prayer


And unto this people thou shalt say, Thus saith the Lord: Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death.Jeremiah 21:8

Lord my God and Father, in this heavenly race prayer I give my life to the Lord who sees everything. I know you love me and have a great plan for my life. Therefore I praise your name, which is wonderful, holy and full of saving grace.

At the feet of Christ I place my faith and all my hope because divinity was saving me on the cross of Calvary. So I come to you, Although I am a sinful person and fail at various times, I know that you love and welcome me.

My God and my beloved Father, in this prayer of the heavenly race I run with perseverance in the race given to me. I know who I have believed in and I am very sure that they have the power to give me everything I need in my life. So I won't abandon you because the Holy Spirit is with me until the end of the age.



My hope is solely in the cross of Christ, so I know that I do not run in vain. While many run for perishable things in life, I look for the heavenly things that go on to eternity. Then give me strength so that in the face of life's circumstances I will not stop walking the path.

Without a doubt, without the Lord, human beings are nothing, which is why I seek you with this prayer of the heavenly race. I know that I am nothing without you, but without me the Lord will continue to be God. Then I am the one who needs the Lord because eternal life comes from you.

Just like Paul, I want to fight alongside Christ, the one who redeemed me and gave real meaning to my life. So I prostrate myself at your feet, because before you I have all renewed energy. Help me to always feel your dependence because In the Lord I have power for this life's journey.

It is very good to seek you with this prayer of the celestial race because the transformation that the Lord makes in human beings lasts forever. That's why my soul rejoices to be by your side walking together on the narrow path that leads to heaven.

I do not want to follow the path of death, but the path of eternal life in Christ Jesus. For on Calvary the door of eternity was opened and the faithful enter through it. So here I am so that you can put my name in your book because I will reach victory in faith. Thanks I give you for your tender and compassionate kindness.

God, don't let me follow the path of death, but always put me by your side. This way I will have everything I need at all times. My heavenly race prayer is because I wish to be by your side forever. Then Come walk by my side, eternally together, even if heaven and earth pass, nothing separates me from your love.

Only the Lord is God, blessed forever, almighty. I ask all this in the name of Jesus, amen!

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