Leviticus 14 – Verses from Leviticus 14 from the book of Leviticus in the Bible.

Leviticus 14 – Verses from Leviticus 14 of the book of Leviticus of the Bible.

1 The Lord also said to Moses:


2 “This is the regulation concerning the cleansing of a leper: he will be taken to the priest,

3 who will leave the camp and examine it. If the person was cured of leprosy,

4 the priest will order that two clean, live birds, a piece of cedar wood, a red cloth and a bunch of hyssop be brought in favor of the one who will be purified.

5 Then the priest will order that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel filled with spring water.


6 Then he will take the live bird and dip it, along with the piece of cedar wood, the red cloth and the hyssop branch, in the blood of the dead bird under running water.

7 He will sprinkle the one being cleansed from leprosy seven times and declare him clean. Then he will release the live bird into the open field.

8 “He who is being purified shall wash his clothes, shave off all his hair, and bathe himself in water; and then you will be pure. After that, you will be able to enter the camp, but you will be outside your tent for seven days.

9 On the seventh day he will shave all his hair: his hair, his beard, his eyebrows and the rest of his hair. He will wash his clothes and bathe his body with water; then it will be pure.

10 “On the eighth day he shall take two lambs without blemish and a yearling ewe without blemish, together with three jars of fine flour mixed with oil, as a grain offering, and a mug of oil.

11 The priest who performs the purification will present to the Lord, at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, both the one who is to be purified and his offerings.

12 “Then the priest will take one of the lambs and sacrifice it as a guilt offering along with the mug of oil; he will move them before the Lord as a ritual gesture of presentation and

13 He will kill the lamb in the Holy Place, where the sin offering and the burnt offering are sacrificed. As with the sin offering, so the guilt offering belongs to the priest; it is most holy.

14 The priest shall put some of the blood of the guilt offering on the tip of the right ear of the one to be cleansed, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot.

15 Then the priest will take some oil from the mug and pour it into the palm of his own left hand,

16 he will dip his right finger in the oil that is in the palm of his left hand, and with his finger he will sprinkle it seven times before the Lord.

17 The priest will also put some of the remaining oil on the palm of his hand, on the tip of the right ear of the one being cleansed, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot, on top of the blood of the guilt offering.

18 The priest will pour the oil that remains in the palm of his hand on the head of the one being purified and make atonement for him before the Lord.

19 “Then the priest will sacrifice the sin offering and make atonement for him who is being cleansed from his uncleanness. After that, the priest will kill the burnt offering animal

20 and he shall offer it upon the altar, together with the grain offering; and in this way he will make propitiation for the offerer, who will be pure.

21 “But if a man is poor and cannot afford it, he shall take a lamb as a guilt offering to be waved to make atonement for him, together with a jar of fine flour mixed with oil, as a grain offering; a mug of oil

22 and two turtledoves or two young pigeons, which he is able to offer, one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering.

23 “On the eighth day he will bring them to the priest for their purification, at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, before the Lord.

24 The priest will take the lamb of the guilt offering, along with a cup of oil, and wave them before the Lord as a ritual gesture of presentation.

25 He will kill the lamb of the guilt offering and take some of the blood and put it on the tip of the right ear of the one being cleansed, on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot.

26 The priest will pour some of the oil into the palm of his left hand,

27 and with his right index finger he shall sprinkle some oil from the palm of his left hand seven times before the Lord.

28 He will put the oil from the palm of his hand in the same places where he put the blood of the guilt offering: on the tip of the right ear of the one being cleansed, on the thumb of his right hand, and on the big toe of his right foot.

29 What remains of the oil in the palm of his hand, the priest will pour on the head of the one being purified, to make atonement for him before the Lord.

30 Then he will sacrifice one of the doves or one of the young pigeons, which the person is able to offer,

31 one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering, along with the grain offering. So the priest will make atonement before the Lord for the one who is being purified.”

32 This is the regulation for anyone who has leprosy and does not have the resources to offer their purification.

33 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron:

34 “When you enter the land of Canaan, which I am giving you as your possession, and I put mold on a house in the land that belongs to you,

35 the owner of the house will go to the priest and say: 'It seems to me that there is a mold stain in my house'.

36 Before examining the mold, the priest will order them to vacate the house so that nothing in the house becomes unclean. After that, the priest will examine the house.

37 Examine the stains on the walls, and if they are greenish or reddish and appear deeper than the surface of the wall,

38 the priest will leave the house and leave it closed for seven days.

39 On the seventh day he will return to examine the house. If the stains have spread across the walls of the house,

40 he will order that the stones contaminated by the stains be removed and thrown into an unclean place, outside the city.

41 He will have the inside of the house scraped and the scraped plaster thrown into an unclean place outside the city.

42 Then they will place other stones in place of the first ones, and plaster the house with new clay.

43 “If the stains spread again in the house after the stones have been removed and the house has been scraped and plastered,

44 the priest will examine it, and if the stains have spread throughout the house, it is corrosive mold; the house is unclean.

45 It will have to be demolished: the stones, the wood and all the plaster of the house; everything will be taken to an unclean place, outside the city.

46 “Whoever enters the house while it is closed will be unclean until evening.

47 Anyone who sleeps or eats in the house will have to wash their clothes.

48 “But if the priest examines it and the stains have not spread after the house has been plastered, he will declare the house clean because the mold stains have disappeared.

49 To purify the house, he will take two birds, a piece of cedar wood, a red cloth and hyssop.

50 Then he will kill one of the birds in a clay pot filled with spring water.

51 Then he will take the piece of cedar wood, the hyssop, the red cloth and the live bird, and dip them in the blood of the dead bird and in the water of the spring, and sprinkle the house seven times.

52 He will purify the house with the blood of the bird, with the water from the spring, with the live bird, with the piece of cedar wood, with the hyssop and with the red cloth.

53 Then he will release the bird alive in an open field, outside the city. In this way he will make atonement for the house, which will be pure.”

54 This is the regulation regarding any type of leprosy, scabies,

55 mold on clothes or in a house

56 and swelling, rash or shiny spot,

57 to determine when something is pure or impure. This is the regulation regarding any type of leprosy and mold.