Prayer of the path of hope

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose hope is the Lord. Jeremiah 17:7

My blessed God, with this prayer of the path of hope I place my life in your hands once again. Forgive my sins and the sins of everyone in my home. I trust in the cross of Christ that opened hope to humanity. In you I take refuge in this hopeless world because it does not trust you. In you I have life and that life is full and abundant.


Jesus Christ is my path of hope, that's why I trust in him, he is the alpha and omega. I am grateful that divinity works in my favor, even though I am a sinful and flawed person. I trust in the power of the Cross and how the gospel is capable of saving everyone who believes. The Lord is eternal and Holy, he does great things on this earth to save human beings.

I need you, my Lord and king, that's why I seek you with this prayer on the path of hope. What will become of my life without the Lord, without Christ living in it? So I give my heart completely to your grace to fill me and make a great change in my life. I I will present your word to people if the Lord has transformed me, he can transform them too.


I trust in you, my trust placed entirely in your eternal and kind hands. Help me to always look at the right path and not allow the enemy to overshadow my heavenly vision. Direct my steps towards eternity. Kind God keep me on the path and daily renew my hope in this spiritual conflict..


This prayer of mine on the path of hope is because I trust in your word that never stumbles. I trust my family in your hands, help them to understand your grace and accept your truth. Take care of all my loved ones and help them change their mind for spiritual renewal.

The Lord is powerful to save human beings, bringing life and hope. If it's something I haven't delivered to you yet, help me deliver it. So also strengthen my faith and keep me in your truth forever. Look inside me, make all the necessary changes and Teach me to love the Lord above all things as much as my neighbor as Christ loved.

Lord God, the enemy presents several alternatives for me to follow. But I will not hesitate to accept the enemy's suggestion. So help me to be like Jesus, as he was tempted by the enemy, but chose to trust your word. I know your truth lasts forever, so I cling to her as my compass that guides me along the eternal path.

By faith I contemplate the eternal glory that he has prepared for his children. In this prayer on the path of hope, I strengthen the spiritual life in you. The Lord is my safe shelter at all times, especially on my spiritual journey. Then baptize me with the Holy Spirit.

I will trust in the Lord with all my strength, even if everything is falling apart around me. All of this I ask and thank you in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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