Biblical Sanctification Prayer

Sanctify them in truth; your word is the truth. John 17:17. May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely. May your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23

In this biblical sanctification prayer I put myself in your hand so that I can feel your presence in my life, because the need to be close to you is greater than anything. Then I will seek you with all my heart so that my life can prosper spiritually. Then all other things will be added. Looking at my life I see how it calls out to you in total desire to be by your side.


There are several times when I pray for biblical sanctification. My God, I know that true biblical sanctification is that which consecrates body, soul and spirit entirely to you. Thus, everyone who seeks the Lord with their heart will certainly feel an even greater need to be close to you..

In the struggles of this life, every person who does not cling to the Lord to find refuge and protection will be the fate of the enemy. So come to me with your power of the Holy Spirit to transform my entire being. Prepare me for the return of Jesus Christ by pouring out your Spirit on me as in Pentecost.




Look at my family for I want them all to be with me in your eternal kingdom. So in this prayer of biblical sanctification I always want to put myself in full communion with you so that the light of your throne shines upon me. Look inside me, look at the evil in me and that I have to change anyway. I place my trust in your hands, the Lord of hosts and king of the nations.

My holy Father, who am I that you remember me, who am I that you hear my voice. I am just dust, so I turn to you with this prayer of biblical sanctification. Because I am sure that the Lord leads me even in the midst of the storm. Exactly in the fiery furnace that everything that is evil in the character is burned. Although it is not the Lord who afflicts us, He allows us to forge our character for eternity. My God, not everyone understands this, I understood it throughout my life and in the study of your sacred word.

Your change in my life made me seek you with the prayer of biblical sanctification. Because I know that many who call themselves Christians have a theory of truth, but they don't put it into practice. As Paul desired that the whole soul, spirit and body be sanctified so I want to follow this path. Therefore, my God, I seek a heavenly blessing by being moderate in speech, moderate in appetite and sanctified by your truth.

My God, I say this prayer of biblical sanctification for those people who have strayed from your word. Many of them are obeying the enemy's orders, some without even realizing it. Help each of them see the steps they are taking so they can turn to you and find forgiveness..

I know, my God, that Jesus prayed for our edification in the truth in John 17:17. So here I am as a result of this prayer that my savior prayed in the past. So if he uses me to raise my voice in front of my family, friends and other people, it's because the Lord has a plan in their lives too. It means that I was called for the benefit of others.

By the power of your Holy Spirit I will reflect the image of Christ so that your name may be exalted through my words actions and thoughts. I place this prayer of biblical sanctification in your hands in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

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