Strengthening Prayer

Stay alert, remain firm in faith, show courage, be strong.1 Corinthians 16:13


Great eternal God, with this prayer of strengthening I place my life in your care. Magnified be the Lord forever, praised be your name from eternity to eternity. Thanks I give you for the air I breathe, for your protection and strength in all circumstances.

My life is yours, I place it under your care and protection. Forgive my sins and help me to be firm by your side, accept me, and be with me always. I will stay alert, I will shelter myself under your arms, I will place my heart under your divine protection.

Before the Lord my heart bows with all mercy and gratitude with this prayer of strengthening. I know that only with the Lord by my side do I have all the power at my disposal. Although the enemy's arrows are shot with great force, your shield withstands every attack.



Life is limited to the Lord who has all the power to change my life and that of everyone who believes. Although your servants may be slaughtered, the Lord is everything, it is the love that unites us with the cross. Christ, there is no greater love than this, your grace is greater than me, greater than anything I can imagine.

Therefore I place my life upon you, in this prayer of strengthening, great is the Lord to strengthen the faith of your servants. Your love takes me close to you, I am dust, but the Lord makes great things out of dust. Give me strength to overcome my own self that desires wrong.

In the midst of life's heavy circumstances, I trust in you with all my strength. Surely the Lord is sovereign, King of kings and Lord of lords. So I praise you even if despair takes over me. Renew my courage, increase my faith so that I do not become discouraged by the trials of life.

In you is my consolation, wisdom, peace and security, that's why I grow in you and renew my spiritual alliance with this prayer of strengthening. Only your forgiving love changes my life. Then strengthen my tired feet, my knees when they lack the strength to bear the weight of life.

How good it is to trust you, I don't see you, but I feel you, the miracle is in my life, in my breathing. Your voice appears in my heart, it is the Lord speaking: “ I am here ready to help you, I am the GOD of the Bible”. This encourages me and fills me with joy to know that there is a unique God who cares about me.

Your miracles are great, I know you listen to this prayer of strengthening. I know that you are willing to give me the strength I need because you promised all of heaven to help your children. Don't take your presence away from me, don't allow me to forget all your deeds.

Here I end my prayer, although the more I talk to you, the more I want to stay close to you and not let go of communion with you. I thank you for this opportunity, my beloved God, blessed forever, in the name of Jesus I ask and thank you. Amen!