Simeon's Prayer

Moved by the Spirit, he went to the temple. When the parents brought the baby Jesus to do with him as the custom of the law required, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God Luke 2:27,28

God, in this Simeon's prayer I place my life in your hands, just like this great man of faith, I want to be prepared to meet the master Jesus. But right now, I ask forgiveness for my sins. Although my desire is to honor you, I don't want everything to be done mechanically.


Surely Simeon was waiting for the Messiah as it was written in the Bible. So, just as he was prepared to meet the master at the first coming, prepare me for the second coming. Save me for your kingdom, direct my steps towards eternity and help me to be in dedication to the Lord

My desire with Simeon's prayer is to live for you, to give myself over to the truth every day. That way I won't leave your ways at any time. I need you, Lord, to help me walk in the right footsteps and always see your truth. Likewise, help me to distinguish right from wrong so that I don't walk on crooked paths.


My God and Father, I want to be like my Lord Jesus. So come and transform me completely, transform my mind and heart. My Father, Simeon was waiting for the great moment when the Holy Spirit would show him the Savior of the world. I also want to be prepared to meet the Lord Jesus who will come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.


Lord, in this prayer of Simeon I want the strength to have mercy on this man who loved you and loved the truth of all your sacred scriptures. Thus, my desire is to honor you, I want to distinguish between holy and unholy things lest I walk in ways that displease you.

Come to me, create changes in my life so that I can be a great light for people. That way I can praise your name forever. How good it is to serve you, my God, so help me to deal with life's problems, and even in the face of time I won't falter. In this way, Simeon's faith will be mine because I will live for you.

Father, I will always seek you with this prayer of Simeon and also in many other ways because you are good to me. Keep me from the enemy, may he not come to change me, but may your Spirit dwell in my heart. In this way, my faith will be nourished and I will be able to grow with great virtuesThe same ones that Simeon had. So come to me, put your hands on my shoulders and help me move forward.

Make a home in me, receive from me all that I am and have, even though you don't need me, draws me to you because he loves me to the death of the Cross. So don't let me get away from the channel of blessing, of full life and of true meaning.

Lord, this prayer of Simeon's is because I trust that you can do in my life what you did in his. So answer it, for your own sake. Fulfill your will in my life, in Jesus' name. Amen!

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