Prayer of Renewal

but those who wait for the Lord renew their strength, they mount up with wings like eagles, they run and do not get tired, they walk and do not grow weary. Isaiah 40:31

O God, dear Father, how good it is to be before you once again, your presence encourages me, strengthens me and guides me on your flat path, on the straight path. I ask you, O Father, this prayer of renewal of my life, because I long to be before your Holy and benign presence. Forgive, O my heavenly Father, all my faults, any sin, whether in words or thoughts, also forgive, God, my family, my friends and every brother of faith.


Oh God, our journey as pilgrims on this earth has its struggles, we are often like a roller coaster, one moment we are at the top, another time we are at the bottom. Regardless of the situation, O God of mercy, I know that the Lord is my guide, help and protection. But If there's one thing I need daily, it's a great spiritual renewal. I don't ask you, Father, to give me an easy life, I really ask, O God, to give me the power to renew myself every day, as an eagle is renewed.

The process of renewing God is not easy, just like an eagle that has to climb the mountain, up in the quarry, breaks its old beak on the rock to be born a new one, after plucking its feathers, to be born another and be renewed , in the same way I need you. Holy Father, the process of my life may be slow but I know that the Lord is with me, I don't pluck my feathers and beak like an eagle, but, dear God, that I can be renewed by you. O God, the struggles of life are there, in them I grow, it produces fruit for eternity.

Prayer of Renewal

Therefore, O Father, renew me like the eagle, that I can do like Paul punching my body, reduce slavery, so that if I catch others I won't be disqualified.

With you, O Father, I will fly, high as an eagle, soaring in the vastness, with your holy Spirit, with the power of love. With my Jesus, love will envelop me. I want to be, oh Father, firm in your hands. With you, O God, I will not tire, I will run onward and upward, looking to the author and finisher of my faith, then I will give glory to the Lord, glory forever and ever.


If the promise, O God, is from the Lord, renew my strength, even if anguish tires me, even if the tensions of life overwhelm me., I will continue walking, running steadily without any fatigue. I take possession, O God, of your victory on the cross of Calvary, I take possession of your blessings, I take possession of your gifts, so, O God, I will be renewed and I will be able to flap my wings like an eagle

Cover me with your saving grace, may Christ dwell in my heart, and knock on the door in the hearts of my loved ones for which I pray so much.

So God, I ask this with immense gratitude, I believe in renewal, trusting that the Lord will dwell in me forever. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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