Prayer of the Passion of Christ

And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross! Philippians 2:8

My God and Father, I thank you for this privilege of seeking you with this prayer of the passion of Christ. Because the savior has done great things in my life since the cross until now. On the cross grace and truth were found and justice and peace kissed each other. That's why I cling to the truth to strengthen my faith.


So I dedicate myself to the Lord every day I wake up because I know that your grace has become a savior for all men. Here I am dedicating my entire being to you because I know that The Lord will complete the work he began in my life and giving me the rest in fights.

My beloved God, I know that the Lord does not do anything halfway, that is why I am here seeking you with this prayer of the passion of Christ. Although I cannot fully understand the cross, I know that Jesus is my beloved savior.


Therefore, be blessed in my life forever, enter my heart and make your home there. Forgive my sins do not lead me into temptation. So also free me from evil and protect my family from the power of darkness. This way we can rise together when Christ returns.


Before you, my beloved God, I prostrate myself with this prayer of the passion of Christ. Because he, being found in human form, humbled himself to save me. Even though he was God, he didn't mind suffering like a man and pay the ransom price for my soul.

That is why I come once again before the magnificent presence so that the Lord may bless my life. This way I will not be discouraged even in the worst situations. So if Christ was obedient until death, I want to be too.

Therefore, answer this prayer of mine from the passion of Christ and wrap me with your mantle of righteousness. This mantle comes from the cross of Calvary, because Jesus died to save me. Even though I don't deserve your grace I accept your acceptance of my life.

Before the Lord I pour out my soul in total submission and reverence. So come and fill me with your Spirit and help me to be steadfast until the end of all things. I want to prepare for the land of glory, but I want everyone I spoke of your word to be there too.

I cling to the Lord with this prayer of the passion of Christ because I do not want to magnify myself. However, I want to thank the name of Jesus here on earth. I I don't want to defend Jesus because the Lord doesn't need a lawyer but I want to be a living witness to the truth.

I want to be by your side, I want to always walk, steady my steps and take shelter in your arms. So I will be enveloped by your love and compassion and I will feel something that nothing else can give me.

Rest upon me with your Spirit and make me believe in your truth every day. In this prayer of the passion of Christ, my life may be united in him so that there may be abundant life in me forever. All this in the name of your beloved Son Jesus. Amen!

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