Healing Prayer

Many crowds followed him, and he healed them there. Matthew 19:2

Lord God, beloved heavenly Father, great and compassionate, I know that you can heal me, I know that you can purify me. O God, I know that without You I will not get the healing I have been praying for. Holy Father, if you want you can do the great things of the past, because you are the same God, the one who healed many in the past, but who also heals in the present. I'm not in front of a crowd like Zacchaeus the publican, but I need your forgiveness, I need you to call me from the tree of troubles so I can come down quickly and go to your presence.


Your grace, Lord, has reached me, that's why I'm here, like the centurion who asked for the healing of his servant, I ask for mine and that of many who I have presented to you in prayer. I am not worthy of your presence, so from where the Lord is, with one word, heal me Father. I know that you can do greater things than this, manifest your works in me, may faith be an ever burning flame May I give you glory and hallelujahs for everything you have done among us.

My soul cries out to you, Lord, May Jesus walk by my side, like good friends, together on a walk, that hand in hand we can talk without anything getting in the way. Your touch of power can manifest now, Father. In the middle of a crowd, or in a bed, in a room or in another place.


Purify me, heal me from the wounds that are in my heart, remove what prevents me from having greater communion with you. O God, help me to walk according to your will, even if I look for you in the midst of the crowd, hear my voice Lord, for I cry out to you, who is my only source of refuge.


Beloved Father, I ask that you heal me and not just my body, but also heal me spiritually. It presents my petition on your Holy altarSo, O God, the Lord lifts me up and puts your hand on me, and speaks great things into my life. Your actions are tremendous Lord,

Holy God, I follow you, your hand is always extended to help those in need, I am one of them, I know what life is in you, Christ is my planned path to come to you. In the midst of crowds he showed how divinity cares about human suffering. Father, Christ looked at Zacchaeus in a tree and sent him down, he performed a spiritual cure on him.

The blind followed Christ and he made them see, the lame followed the same path and he made them walk, the mute praised when they spoke, widows were supported, and people of all kinds had a miracle. So heal me, May my entire being become a living miracle and may I testify of you.

Father, I don't know why the Lord allows some afflictions in our lives, but I know that your purpose is to save. So Father, act according to your will. O God, I saw people born without arms and embraced people's hearts, I saw people without legs and arms and witnessed, Instead of healing them, the Lord took them to be an instrument of healing. They became a living miracle.

You have a purpose in each person's life, if you want, you can heal me, I am here to serve you, you know the best for each person. Give me the certainty of your purpose in my life. I will trust, because I know that one way or another it will work a miracle for me. Through Jesus, my beloved savior, I ask for healing. Amen!

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