Prayer for the fullness of blessings

And I know that when I come to you, I will arrive with the full blessing of the gospel of Christ. Romans 15:29

My great God, before you I come with this prayer for the fullness of blessings. I trust in your faithful and true promises for my life and that the virtues I have come from you alone. Surely your grace transforms me and takes me closer to you.


Lord God, I know that the greatest blessing is in the grace of Jesus granted to human beings. So I cling to it like a thirsty man in search of water when he is very thirsty. For sure Your truth transforms hearts and lives, bringing hope to everyone who believes.

My prayer for the fullness of blessings is because I believe the Lord grants it to the human being. Thus life is born where it seems dead stars move away when the light of the gospel enters the soul. I will continue to follow the Lord, for I trust in your word that will be fulfilled in its time.


I prefer to look for you by spending a lot of time in prayer than wasting my time on useless things. Because your truths are life for all those who seek you, for grace reaches the lives of the sincere. Then Don't let me move away from you despite any reason I have in my life.


I will cling to the Lord with this prayer of fulness of blessings because the Lord has great things for me. But if suddenly the enemy overshadows my vision that comes with the eye drops of the Holy Spirit so that I can see your gifts. So help me to be bound by your promises because in you I I trust.

Come to my house with the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ, transform the hearts of all my family members. Likewise help all those who entrust their lives into your hands to persevere until the end. So we will all be together in heavenly Canaan forever.

I consecrate my heart to you, seeking with this prayer the fullness of blessings. Thus my life is sanctified in your truth, the Holy Spirit works miracles in me. Then give me wisdom, strength, courage and determination so that I walk straight on the road of truth.

Although I am a flawed and weak person, I know in whom I have believed, for your treasure is laid up for the faithful on that day. Come live with me and do great things so that every seed of corruption may be removed from my being.

I seek in this prayer of the fullness of blessings your presence that changes the lives of everyone who entrusts themselves to you. That's why There is no person unreachable to the Lord, because the Lord performs enormous miracles.

So everything I am and have I deliver into your hands so that the fullness of your blessings whiten my heart. Preserve my spiritual life in your path of grace and truth.

Hear this prayer of mine for the fullness of blessings and strengthen my faith so that discouragement does not take over me. I give thanks and praise to your name, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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