Prayer of dependence on the Lord

Blessed is the man whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the paths made smooth. They go from strength to strength; each of them in Zion appears before God. Psalms 84:5,7

My beloved and good heavenly Father, I am grateful for listening to me in this prayer of dependence on the Lordr. I can always trust you because you never abandon your people, you never turn your back on those who call on you from the heart. Even though I am a flawed person, the Lord hears me and loves me.


I thank you for your kindness in my life, without you I am nothing, but in Christ I have victory. Therefore, I am a blessed person, because in you I have strength. For sure my heart is on the smooth path because in you I have confidence.

I approach you with this prayer of dependence on the Lord, knowing for sure that it will be my strong refuge in tribulation. Although the struggle on this side of life is not easy, I have Jesus, in him I have everything I need. Father, the Lord knows the struggles I have faced, how many problems appear, help me trust you.


Lord my God, I am amazed to know that you take care of me. That's why I place myself in your hands asking for security and unshakable trust. In the face of fights, I want yours encouragement to face the fight against the enemy.


This way I won't get caught up in life's problems, anguish and afflictions won't be my downfall. I want to love you, always talk to you, know your instruction by seeking your word.

This prayer of mine of dependence on the Lord invigorates my soul because your power comes upon me. Praised be your name for Your kindness has transformed my life and now I am here before you. In this way I will draw closer every day to the Lord, my author of salvation.

I consecrate my life to the Lord with everything I have because the Lord is just and compassionate. Therefore I ask that you help me feel your daily dependence because my soul clings to the Lord. Visit my home and always bring the light of hope to it.

This prayer of dependence on the Lord is my great desire to feel your invigorating power filling my entire being. That way I can trust you at all times. That's why come with your Holy Spirit and take away all fear from my heart. Don't allow me to be shaken by life's upheavals.

In this way I will grow in faith because the Holy Spirit works in my life to save it. So may I be a channel of light for my family and everyone out there. If by chance I back down in the face of the test, may the Lord help me by faith not to waver my feet..

Christ is the greatest love that can be revealed to humans, so this is my prayer of dependence on the Lord. Respond according to your will, this way I can witness your love and see goodness and justice.

All this I ask, my Father, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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