Prayer of confirmation

But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and protect you from the evil one.2 Thessalonians 3:3

My beloved Lord, this is mine prayer of confirmation It is because I trust in your promises that are faithful and true. Without a doubt, all those who love you love life, but those who do not love the Lord love death. Therefore, I ask forgiveness for my sins and those of my family.


My soul clings to you because I feel the touch of the Holy Spirit in my heart. Therefore I know that nothing good comes from myself but through the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Then May your name be exalted and praised forever because the Lord is worthy of it.

I will cling to the cross of Christ, which is why I pray this prayer of confirmation, as I believe that the Lord confirms me in your eternal promise. Here I am, another fragile one among sinners, but with the desire to remain faithful to the Lord. Because I I want to live a new life for the exaltation and honor of your kingdom.


My God, your word says that the Lord is faithful and that he will confirm and keep all your servants from the evil one. That's exactly why I believe in your promises because the Lord is an almighty God who is always at the head of his people. So confirm me daily by lighting the flame of hope in my heart and giving me your direction.


So I approach you with this prayer of confirmation, trusting in the election through the cross. That's why I'm grateful for this tremendous salvation that the Lord gave, the first step to saving humanity. So I rejoice to be in your magnificent presence to know that your pure and holy atmosphere transforms life.

I want to straighten out my life by allowing your Holy Spirit to act on me and make it happen. Therefore, I will seek you every day with a broken heart accepting the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit. Like this protect me and my entire family from the power of the evil one.

If I cling to you, the shadow and darkness will not haunt me because the light of your Spirit drives away all darkness. So I turned to the prayer of confirmation of obtaining the power I need. Clinging to the Lord daily I have the renewal that comes from you, which gives me the vigor I need for each day of struggle.

So always confirm me in your presence, my dear God, may Jesus be my daily mediator. So also that I can meditate on everything that was done for me on the cross of Calvary. In this way my heart will be filled with joy and love for so great love for me.

Come to me with your light, in those moments of great difficulties I come bending the knee with the prayer of confirmation. So I will remember again the promises I read in your word and I will restore myself. Then may the confirmation of your acceptance be present in my mind.

Praised be your name forever and may Jesus always be present in my life. So I ask for all this, giving thanks and praise to your name, in the name of my beloved God, Son Jesus. Amen!

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