Prayer of direction

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will advise you and take care of you. Psalms 32:8

Dear God, I come to you with this prayer of direction to put my life in your hands once again. I know you take care of me at all times, so I always feel your creative hand. Although I do not deserve any of your care, the Lord compassionately cares for me.


Only before the Lord do I place all my dreams and goals in life. So there's no way I can look for anyone else, because From you comes true instruction to keep my life on the right course. Therefore, take charge of my life, with all my heart and prepare me for your eternal kingdom.

By seeking you with this prayer of direction, I place my goals and all projects in your hands. This way I know that I will follow the right path because I have the Lord as my guide. So always give me yours counseling for what I have your instruction in my ears so I can make the right decision.


I don't want to live my life without Jesus as my instructor. So I place myself in your hands, because I know that your Holy Spirit comes like a gentle wind carrying my boat. That way I'll get to the beach where you have prepared a better place for me.


I know that when I seek you with this prayer of direction I will have your teaching. Then I will steady my steps, and not even discouragement in some moments will be able to keep me from you. So come to me with your Holy Spirit and light the paths of my heart so that I can make the right decision.

That's why I ask for guidance in my professional decisions, as well as family and marital decisions, in all things in my life. This is all because I believe in your word that says the Lord cares about every hair on our head.

Then I will see through the Holy Spirit the great path that, even though it is slippery, will lead me to eternal life. I will continually seek you with this prayer of direction, I know it is true and operates according to what is best for me.

I place myself once again in your care, I believe that the Lord guides my thoughts. In this way, the Lord will help me overcome anxiety and help me not to give up on what is right. Take care of me daily and May all those around me take my faith as an example.

Before you I set myself searching with this prayer for direction because Christ is the way, the truth and the life. Therefore my trust is very secure, so I would not move away from your presence.

If by chance I came to abandon something, let it not be your instruction, but sin. In the same way, may I come and abandon everything that displeases you to accept your instructionO. So answer my request and accept my thanks in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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