Prayer of intercession

but, since he lives forever, Jesus has a permanent priesthood. Therefore, he is able to definitively save those who, through him, approach God, as he always lives to intercede for them. Hebrews 7:24,25

Lord, my beloved God, here I stand before you with this prayer of intercession. Before you I place my life, forgive me for any fault, do not let me excuse sin. I want to be firm in your hands, so I can move forward, because the Lord sets a firm ground.


I certainly feel my dependence on you, which is why I place myself in your hands, but as this prayer is one of intercession, I present my family. Then help those who have not yet surrendered to the truth, because I want to see them in eternity. So I want to live with them in heaven forever.

My beloved God, this prayer of intercession of mine is because I pray for my family and also for friends of faith and also for those I have come into contact with. That's why I present each one of them in your hands take care of each one's heart. Surely you know and know what is going on in each of their lives, so come and strengthen them.


Beloved Lord, help me to be an instrument used in your hands to save people. Surely with the Lord by my side I will be able to both help those in need and be a channel of blessings for my family. Then protect parents, children and all family members.


So in this prayer of intercession I ask that at this moment you touch the hearts of each one of them so that they look to you. This way you can see Jesus Christ at your side interceding for them because he loved until the end, to the point of giving his own life.

Before you I not only present my life, but that person I spoke of in your word. So come and be with her, comforting her in moments of sadness when anguish and pain hit hard. Although we are all flawed and weak we have the Lord, so We have all power on our side.

So I ask you to listen to this prayer of intercession and may your Holy Spirit come and transform the lives of all of them. In this way they will be able to recognize that the feet of Christ is the highest place they can reach. Like this Christ lifts up everyone who recognizes their smallness in the face of the greatness of the infinite God.

I give thanks and praise to your name, my most high God, help me to delight in doing your will and may I be an instrument to take the person to heaven. Take care of my family members who are currently distressed due to a health problem that has been cured.

Visit someone who is emotionally shaken, with anxiety, discouragement and sadness that affects their life. Therefore, in this prayer of intercession help everyone to see your greatness and seek from you the Spirit of devotion. This way they will understand your truth and follow it, they will seek your grace.

Lord God and Father, I end this prayer of intercession by thanking you for this privilege of praying to the Lord and asking for the power that encourage me and encourage all those of faith to remain firm on their path. Take care of all my family members and be with all those in need in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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