Prayer of the renewed mind

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Lord God this prayer of renewed mind What I am presenting before you is because I know that I need daily renewal. Father, the Lord knows how polluted this world is that the enemy continually seeks to affect our minds with bad things. So don't allow darkness to take over my life.


I know that my struggle is not against blood and flesh, but against principalities and powers. The power of darkness acts to pollute the human mind and fill it with bad things. Therefore, I ask for forgiveness for my sins, whether in words, actions or even thoughts. Then clothe me with the power of the Holy Spirit so that I can endure every temptation.

So I will never miss a moment to seek you with this prayer of a renewed mind. Therefore, help me is always linked to Christ, because contemplating the glory of the Lord we are transformed, 2 Cor 3:18. Then May the diabolical messages that are spread in many things around me not harm my communion with you. 


May your peace that surpasses all understanding keep my heart from doing injustice and things that displease. So don't allow me to get lost in unnecessary discussions. Help me overcome every moment of nervousness and lack of emotional control. I am a weak person and as I recognize this I seek the Lord who is able to change my life.


I will cling only to you with this prayer of renewed mind. Because as Romans chapter 12 verse 2 says: if I work to renew my mind, then I will be able to experience what the good, pleasant and perfect will that the Lord desires for my life. So I'll be in firm security, being safe in your arms of love and compassion.

May Christ come to me and help me to have his mind, but do not allow anyone to shame me for being a Christian. Because if the world is not ashamed of so many detestable practices and even defending corrupt people, then I will not stop showing who I am. That's why help me understand that I am a spiritual being with earthly experience because Christ dwells in me.

Come and renew me like the eagle, listen to this prayer of a renewed mind and help me move forward despite any problem that falls in front of me. Even though the struggles are getting stronger and stronger, I know that Whoever is by your side is always many steps away from those who rejected your truth.

Keep me and help me to be a blessing to my people, to all my neighbors and may I be a light to the world. May my life be in great consecration, like this many will be able to hear the steps of Christ and the truth that transforms anyone.

I know that the greatest miracle is the transformation of the human heart. So I will continually seek you with this prayer of renewed mind and be together with all those prepared for heaven. I end this prayer by asking for everything in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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