Spiritual Home Prayer

He and his entire family were pious and God-fearing; He gave much alms to the people and continually prayed to God. Acts 10:2

Lord God, I came to look for you with this spiritual home prayer because I want my whole family to be faithful to the Lord like Cornelius's. I want with all my strength to seek you and always grow spiritually. So I dedicate myself to the Lord who knows all things, the one who searches the minds and hearts of men.


God, I don't want to live without Jesus, he is my grace and my light, who will I be afraid of? Therefore I ask forgiveness for my sins and strength to move forward on this journey of life. However, I wish that everyone who is part of my family accepts you, gives their lives to Jesus.

God, I seek you with this prayer for the spiritual home because I want my home to be of light and a living influence for people. So come visit me, send your angels so that the atmosphere is holy and can make people happy. So also create a light and hopeful atmosphere in my home and in my speech..


My desire is to always walk in safety, but for that I need the Lord to dwell in my heart. Use me, make me a person firm in faith. Take care of the hearts of everyone who belongs to my homeMay the desire to seek you increase every day.


So our faith grows with each other encouraging the other, seeking the spiritual home with this prayer. That way we cling to the grace of Jesus by faith and one day we passed through the gate of the holy city. That before we are in heaven, heaven can already be in our hearts.

Hear this prayer of mine and make us a home of complete dedication. This way the enemy will never prevail, just as it did not prevail with your servant Job. I need you every day, so I can walk safely even in the midst of problems and all kinds of provocations. I am yours and the Lord and you are my God, strong and mighty.

Beloved Father, I surrender to you all my desires and sadness, all pain and penance, every situation, whether good or bad. That's why I seek you with this prayer from the spiritual home. Like this my life is lived by faith in your great and enabling promises. Still with faith I seek you, I consecrate an altar in my home, I want to see the members of my family in dedication to the Lord who sees everything.

My soul rejoices to feel your power when I seek you with this home prayer. That's why I feel a heavenly peace, but if anyone here at home lives a wrong life, have mercy and touch her heart so that she gives her life to you trusting in Christ.

O my God, how good it is to serve the Lord, to seek you with this prayer from my spiritual home, I consecrate my life to the Lord. So help me to stay that way, to be an encouraging person for each person I am around. Help me to always do your will no matter what the cost, may everything be with faith and hope.

I thank you for this privilege of being with you, seeking you with this prayer from your spiritual home. I wish to honor you in every way. I consecrate everything to the Lord in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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