Prayer of divine protection

But I will sing of your strength; In the morning I will praise your mercy with joy; for you were my high refuge, and protection in the day of my trouble. Psalms 59:16

While the world seeks help from others, I seek you in this prayer of divine protection. The Lord was a refuge and strength for the Israelites in the past, showing his great deeds. In this way, the Lord transformed lives, taking many people from idolatry to the worship of the true God. Come and make your home in me, be my protective circle.


I will sing of your strength, and so I will praise you even if my voice is not better, it will be from the heart. My heart is renewed with hope and faith through your presence in it. In this way my life grows in grace and in virtue of the Spirit. Your blessings are tremendous but the main ones are spiritual ones.

While many people seek you only for material reasons, I say this prayer of Divine protection because I want your protection. Thus, great God, I establish my steps in your sacred word. It was your sacred word that changed my heart putting me where I am today. So don't let me lose the tracks of eternal life and let my train run without derailing.


If by chance the waves of this life affect my faith, Be as it says in Psalm 46, my refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. The Lord is my high refuge, my protection in moments of anguish and greatest difficulties, as he has compassionate love.


Come support me, come listen to this prayer of Divine protection. Be my strength when the enemy uses people to hurt me. May the Lord be my portion of food when the enemy touches my bread. Help me when I am cornered by difficulties. Take care of me when a hole of desolation is in front of me.

I will put on the armor of God written in Ephesians chapter 6. This way my fight against the enemy will be won because I follow the God who has been victorious from the beginning. If I run away somewhere to your arms of love, there on your Holy Mountain that never shakes.

Be with me today, tomorrow and forever, my eternal God. You tell me about my life, keeping me from what the world offers. That's why I seek you with this prayer of Divine protection, that from you comes victory on a bad day. Being my high refuge, the enemy will not prevail. Even if the shadow is very strong, the light of your glory will disappear with the darkness.

I will seek you as a personal guard because the Lord who guards my life and protects me at all times. Be the center, be light, shine in the corner of my soul and save me for your eternal kingdom. Also save my family members so that I can be with them forever.

I finish this prayer of mine with a completely grateful heart because of your grace. I know you will never forget me because your love is unconditional. That's why I ask everything in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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