Prayer of Patience

You too must be patient and strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near. James 5:8

Your salvation is certainly great, that's why I seek you in this prayer of patience. The Lord has done great deeds in the past so that the gospel can be transformed in all ages. I thank you for the blessed hope of Christ's return to earth, my God. So keep me so that I can be a person prepared for that great day when my savior returns. Your salvation is certainly great, that's why I seek you in this prayer of patience. Great deeds the Lord has done in the past. Therefore, I ask that you protect me with the power of your Holy Spirit so that I can grow spiritually. Therefore, I ask that you transform me with all my heart so that my soul may seek you.


So listen to this prayer of patience and help me to have a calm heart with faith and zeal. I will have a greater spirit of worship and devotion to the Lord. That's why I say this prayer to you, because it changes the lives of those who encourage themselves to seek you every moment. Then my faith will increase at all times so that I can feel your presence even in bad times.

Holy Father, I depend solely on you to one day be in heavenly Canaan. Therefore I ask that you do not let me revolve in the mud of sin. But May Christ become present in my life and may my thoughts be linked to the cross. Although I do not deserve your saving grace, I take possession of everything you have released to me. So, my God, hear this is my prayer of patience and help me to wait for the blessed coming of my Lord.


My God, strengthen my heart when life situations push me in another direction. So listen to this prayer of patience and help me guard my soul through the study of your word of persevering prayer. So my steps will walk firmly towards eternity. Certainly the Lord does not abandon any of the people who stand before you asking for forgiveness and strength to walk .


In this prayer of patience I want the Lord to help me wait when things don't seem to be resolved. Because I know, my God, that moments of delay are your patience showing that you have better plans for us. That's why help me see beyond what my ordinary eyes see. This way I will be a person prepared for the return of my beloved savior Jesus Christ, waiting for Him with my prayers of humility and delivery.

When I seek you by saying prayers like this prayer of patience, I learn to have more faith. Surely if I am patient I will be a tested person to see if I am a metal saw or a precious jewel. Therefore I magnify and exalt your name because the Lord cares about every strand of hair that falls from our head. So give me a daily miracle so that I can be a miracle in other people's lives too. I even ask that you empty me of resentment, resentment, pride and selfishness.

Save me for your kingdom and together touch the hearts of all family members to accept your saving grace in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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