In fact, everyone who wants to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 2 Timothy 3:12
Great God this prayer of persecution and for the Lord to keep me in the face of every situation of persecution in my life. Take care of my entire life and keep me on your path, so that I will truly walk on the path of justice. I know that your justice is eternal and your truth transforms hearts. Without the Lord it is impossible to overcome the evil one.
So listen to this prayer of persecution because everyone who wants to live your truth will be persecuted. So help me at all times because I need you to face the powers of darkness. Forgive my sins and help me to be a clean person before you. How powerful the Lord is to deliver those who are oppressed. Therefore, the Lord manifests with power in the lives of all his servants, what has fear to you.
My eternal God, I do not want to live a life without your presence, without your acceptance. So listen to this prayer in persecution and bring me to you, like this my life will be firm as a rock because the Lord is with me. My God, it is much better for you to think that because of you than to live without persecution, you are lost. I know that Christians will not be persecuted all the time, but it doesn't matter, I want to be in your path. So help me to live true Christianity where I testify to your truth.
Lord of hosts, the Lord is mighty in battles, of Glory forever. Christ won the battle on Calvary's cross to save my life and he won it for me. Therefore I can say that I am the result of the Cross, so may your name be gratefully exalted throughout this universe that you created.
Come here to me, fill me with the Holy Spirit so that my words have the power to transform. So, my God, people are transformed like I was too. So in this prayer of persecution I want to live your justice again. Therefore, my God, I want to see each day as if it were the last on this earth. That way, Don't let me live sloppily, with quick prayers and little Bible study. Because I know that without these things in my life I cannot overcome the flesh, sin and the devil.
In this prayer of persecution I ask that you help me not to be negligent, but to follow Christ as an example because although he is God, he became man. He was an example by praying in the early hours of the morning. In this way, high power covered his humanity, because he could not use divine powers for his own benefit, except for that of others. So he overcame being a man, he did not repress righteousness, he did not sin like Adam, then he can save us for eternity.
How good it is to know, my God, that you answer this prayer of persecution, because I feel my life is happy by your side. When your presence comes to my home, great things happen. Your angels are present and the heavy atmosphere of the work day is alleviated. So praise the Lord, because he helps me go through the anguish of life, giving me power to deal with everything that affects me.
Holy Father, many in the Christian world are living a worldly Christian life, making excuses for certain sins and giving bad testimony. As I am no better than them, I say this prayer of persecution. Because I don't want to follow political correctness and do what is convenient, but rather your eternal will. The world will soon come to an end, so I want to be a prepared person.
I don't know the day of my savior Jesus Christ's return, but I know that I must live each day as if it were the last day. This way I will be a person ready to die for your sake and not kneel before the enemy. Hear this prayer of persecution, and help me to be an instrument of salvation for family and friends. As well as to neighbors and strangers. In the name of my beloved Jesus. Amen!
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