Prayer for change

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. Romanos 12:2

Once again I'm here, my God, making a prayer for change for the enormous desire I have to live a life transformed for your exaltation. This way I won't be like a person trapped in the world and living according to my will. My soul thirsts for you, I feel something touching my heart so that I pray and pay more attention to your word.


When I look for you I think of the prayer for change because Without the transformation of life I will not see the face of Christ. So, do not allow me to live a life devoid of Christian value, because everything I give to you must be purified by the blood of Christ.

Lord, Paul presents in his letter to the Romans that we, as Christians, must not conform to this world, to this century of sin. This is certainly because in today's world, as in the past, there are several traps. So I get down on my knees in prayer for change because I want my life to be completely transformed.


However, infinite God the world lies of the evil one, and many Christians are walking in tortuous paths, mixing the holy with the profane. In this way, I do not want to follow the Lord and at the same time the world, I will not live a divided life, I will accept your kindness.


Father, hear this prayer for change, because I want to follow You with all my heart. But I don't want, my Father, to use that phrase: God knows my heart to justify the cherished sin. Then I will exalt you in all my deeds, honoring and glorifying your name. Just as I ask for myself, I ask that you take care of my relatives and friends, help them feel your presence touching their hearts.

In this prayer for change I see a great need for transformation and renewal of my understanding, because only then can I experience your good, pleasant, perfect will. Furthermore, my God, this verse shows a very deep promise that we will be transformed if we do not cling to the world but to the Lord alone.

That's why I don't want to live the Christian life just for the expense. Do not allow me to be like those who simply live the lame gospel, because I am a flawed person like them and can give in to temptations. But my dear God, the weak seek you and I am one of them. So help me see things through spiritual binoculars so that I do not come to live a life empty of the Spirit. I will not cling to the vile world, but in prayer for change as it brings me closer to you.

Renew my mind and help me to be more like Jesus, my beloved savior. Dear God, change my life, help me to be a kinder person, patient, pious and with more faith and love. Hear this prayer of sincere change, do something new in me and save me for your kingdom in Jesus name. Amen!

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