Prayer of the Triumphant Christ

Open yourselves, O portals; open yourselves, you ancient doors, so that the King of glory may enter. Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and valiant, the Lord valiant in wars. Open yourselves, O portals; open yourselves, you ancient doors, so that the King of glory may enter. Psalms 24:7-9

Mine prayer of the triumphant Christ it is the recognition of his infinite greatness, where Jesus, God the Son, was incarnated, he is the immortal God who subjected himself to death. He did this in the most shameful way at the time so that today it would be salvation, honor for all who accept the gospel. My God, Christ's wounds were not in vain, because human beings are saved through the sacrifice made on the Cross of Calvary. Therefore I thank you, that although I am an unworthy person, salvation came by precious blood. Nothing was so formidable as God becoming man to save humanity.


In this prayer of the triumphant Christ, I place all my hopes, because my salvation is not guaranteed in my works, even if I have to do them. Forgive me, beloved Father, for having gone through immense suffering to save me. How can you love me like this? The Lord looked at me in the future, saw me at that moment, praying to you, seeing the result that would be obtained through intense suffering on the cross.

When I seek you, recognizing your greatness, with a prayer of the triumphant Christ, I see the scenes of Calvary, and a love that cannot be imagined. How can he who created the entire universe become a man and hang out with sinners? How did Jesus come to die for me? So transform me every day so that I can present this truth to everyone around me. May I announce this to my family and to all those who do not have this truth.

Oração do Cristo triunfante

In this prayer of the triumphant Christ, may I draw closer to the one who is at your side, Father, so that I may be more like Jesus every day. I thank the Lord, my God, because I belong to you twice, both for creation and for redemption. O God, the Lord does not duel against Satan with your direct power in him, because there would be no fight, for who could duel with the almighty God? Although, Jesus dueled with character, defeated the enemy on the cross of Calvary, showed that Adam could not have sinned because he was perfect. But now, after the cross, he gave man the right to eternal life through Christ.


Recognizing your power and your infinite greatness, be part of my family's life. Furthermore, my God, may I always look at the cross, see how much he loves me, that Christ did not die in vain for me. That even though I sin, even in what no one around me notices, I can turn to you. That's why John wrote:My little children, these things I write to you so that you will not sin. However, if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the Just;1 John 2:1.

O God, when Christ, after being resurrected, went to heaven, the angels sang praises of great joy, for Christ having defeated Satan on the cross of Calvary, saying: Open yourselves, O portals; open yourselves, you ancient gates, so that the King of glory may enter. Therefore, I pour out my supplication in this prayer of the triumphant Christ, so that the king of glory may enter my heart. May the king of glory be part of my life, so I ask in prayer of perseverance.

Cover me with this blessed light through the divine Holy Spirit and make me a renewed person every day. And may my family see that the greatest love died on a cross because he loved humanity in the most complete way. In the name of the king of glory, Jesus, the one who is the morning star, the king of glory, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the prince of peace. Amen.

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