Jesus Prayer

I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you gave me, for they are yours.John 17:9

Eternal Father, I thank you for Christ's prayer for me, before he was O God, how good it is to be by your side, forgive me my sins and help me walk on the paths of justice crucified On the cross of Calvary, I am grateful because you did not give up on saving me. I am grateful that Jesus did everything for me. How good and happy it is to be by your side, to turn to you every time I need it, every day.


Lord God, nothing takes you by surprise, so before sin existed, Christ had already died as a planned death. Thank you because the Divine trinity came together to save human beings, instead of leaving humans to their own path, Christ, being God, (John 1:1-3), paid the price that was demanded, eternal death, in my place, died for those he had created, together with the Father and the Divine Holy Spirit.

May angels and men come to give praise, because your grace gave to sinners, may the firmament, heavens, sea and earth come to worship the eternal divinity. How unfathomable is the divine love, which through the Holy Spirit, illuminated my heart to place my life in your hands. May all the redeemed, O God, come and give praise to Christ, because such a sacrifice has never been equal.

The enemy tried to make Christ give up by showing that millions would neglect the cross, that no one would care about salvation. But Christ, shedding bloody sweat on the Mount of Olives, saw me praying, saw so many faithful people who would die for his cause, so his decision had already been made, he would die for those he loved, he would die for those he had created. So I thank you Father, that through Jesus, my sins were forgiven.


So, Lord, I know that you can deliver me from affliction or give me the power to overcome if I go through it.. I know that you can save the drug addict, or the alcoholic, the prostitute, the criminal and anyone who gives themselves in spirit and in truth into your hands. Without your help, without the Cross, I am lost, but when I look at the beloved truth and what You are able to do for me, I am amazed, happy to know that I have my only and sufficient intercessor with me, Jesus.

I am grateful for these words of Jesus, “I do not pray that you take them out of the world, but that you protect them from the Evil One. They are not of the world, just as I am not. John 17:15,16. Now I, if I am always firm in faith, will not belong to the world, but only yours, I will be your servant. So help me to be firm, open the heart of my relative who needs to change his life, help me to have patience, peace, kindness, mercy, fraternity and love that emanates from your glory.

May your grace be present in my life and may I be a servant who loves you like never before, and may the atmosphere of my home be illuminated by the divine presence of the Holy Spirit.

I surrender everything I have and am into your hands, help me to grasp your truth and live it intensely. In the name of Jesus, who shed his precious blood on the cross. Amen!

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