Prayer of the Divine Shepherd

I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. John 10:11

At this moment I present myself to you my beautiful and kind good shepherd, Jesus Christ, my savior, so strong, powerful, holy and mighty in battle, my king of glory. Your majesty, O Jesus, spreads throughout the universe, Your cross was excellent for me, it gave me a new opportunity for life, salvation, it strengthened my life and placed me in higher places. I ask your forgiveness for every moment that through thought and actions I demonstrated that I was far from you.


My beloved Father who is in heaven gave me the Lord as a living sacrifice to save my life. Now I have a new opportunity, a new hope, that only through you I can have. My beloved Father sent you to save my life, which was so precious in your eyes. There is no other like you Lord Jesus, the one sent by the Heavenly Father, the one who sends the Holy Spirit to instruct us on the eternal path.

Without your cross Lord, I know I won't make it, but it is the bridge over the abyss, it is the bridge that my good shepherd leads me to heaven. I thank Jesus, for being my guide, for being my shepherd, because it is such a huge price for me. I know that on this earth I suffer with the sorrows of life, but I know that I can suffer like never to never suffer again. Always be the shepherd of my life, do not allow the leaving of your pasture to help me and keep me with your faithful sheep.

May Jesus be my daily intercessor, the Lord is the only one who intercedes before the Father, he was the only one who was perfect enough to die for the unrepentant sinner. Only the blood of God, man, incarnate could save humanity. So Jesus, may your blood cover me and purify me, and guide me to green pastures.


If it is necessary, Jesus, that I be wounded to keep me on your path, let it be done. Do not allow me to come and look for any other pastor, because there is no other like you. Through you, all men who accept your call, who accept your shed blood will be saved eternally.

May your blood cover my family member, may he feel through the Holy Spirit the redeeming power of truth, of the Lord who died to save the lives of humanity. No other name equals yours, how beautiful you are, your speech in the gospels brings me comfort and peace, brings me security and new meaning for my life.

I am grateful that one day you said on the cross: it is finished! I thank you, O Jesus, for the prayer that the Lord said for me in chapter 17 of John. I thank you because the Lord said that he leaves the ninety-nine sheep that are saved and goes in search of the one that was lost. There the The Lord found me, and today I am here seeking the only source of eternal salvation for the entire universe.

I thank the good shepherd Jesus, for having given life for my life, his sheep, who is currently in prayer in petition and thanks to you, the one who lives forever and ever, one who is linked to the Father and the Divine Holy Spirit, since eternity, you are those who always existed.

Save me, and save my family for your kingdom, with your powerful hand, hands that stretched out on a cross, hallelujah, Amen!

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