Prayer of Justification

Who was handed over because of our transgressions and was raised again because of our justification. Romans 4:25

Beloved God, I thank you for the immense privilege of justification. I, being undeserving, am here praying before an infinite God great in power and majesty. How can the Lord look at me? But when I recognize your greatness and that you love me, I feel very happy for that.. So, Father, I enter your sanctuary in spirit, asking forgiveness for everything I am, for mistakes that I don't even remember and for those that come to my mind. I give you everything I am, if Christ gave everything on Calvary, I give my life, so precious in your eyes. How good it all is!


Lord God, I come to you once again, at this moment, believing in the atoning blood of Christ, so faithful, just and compassionate savior. God, Lord and Father, before you I am nothing but I place everything I have in your hands, carry me in your lap when I couldn't move on. Help me, my God, to believe every day in your salvation through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He died for our sins for our justification, giving us power to overcome the temptations of the enemy. O God, how grateful I am for all the precious blood that will be shed for me, therefore, O Father, I believe in your promises that are faithful and true for everyone always.

I come to you, O Father, to transform me by the power of your love, so that Justification through Calvary will be something life-giving in my life. So, Father, dwell in me, despite what I am, I look at the cross of Christ, I see my forgiveness there. Therefore, I can trust in the blessings granted through Calvary, where such precious promises were given by the Spirit.

Prayer of Justification

In Christ grace and truth are found, justice and peace kissed each other, (Ps.85:10) giving freedom and grace through the precious and righteous blood. I know that Jesus is righteous and changes my life, so He can present such great saving grace to the world around me. May the blood of Christ cover me every day and give me power to overcome the works of the enemy,

When I am going through problems, O eternal God, may I look at the Cross and understand the love that died there for me, I am not worthy, but I know that your grace reached me, there, where I was. I know Father, that my sins led Christ to the rude Cross, erected to save me. While the crying came, Christ, O God, was saving humanity, so he welcomed me when his arms were outstretched and gave me a new opportunity when the cost was high for him.


So, Father, I took possession of the blessings that the Lord granted on the cross of Calvary. O God, I am not perfect but I take possession of the perfect life of Christ, I was not born in righteousness, but I take possession of the perfect birth of Christ. I did not die, but I died in Christ to live a new life. I have not experienced a resurrection, Lord, but I believe that I have been resurrected in Christ.

God look inside me to see how much my soul needs you, I surrender at the foot of the cross of Christ, which is the highest place I can pick you up. I go where there is redemption, genuine passion and unconditional love, at the feet of my beloved king. In the name of Jesus, accept, O Father, my prayer. Amen!

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