Then the apostles said to the LORD, “Increase our faith.” Luke 17:5
Oh, God I'm here once again, before you your holy presence, I feel unworthy of this, more privileged. As It is good to seek the Lord in the morning, how good it is to seek the night. Praise be to your name, beloved father, May he be magnified for everything he has done in my life, for everything you have always done, for guiding me on your path, for the mercy that is renewed every morning. Father, forgive my sins, even those I don't remember.
Dear God, my life has been full of struggles and arduous battles, sometimes It seems like I'm going to succumb, I have nowhere to look, my faith seems to weaken as it has many times, I am so flawed, unworthy, so unlike you. I fail constantly, help me feel your presence in the trial, help me to surrender my body as a living sacrifice.
Oh, God of Israel, bring me close to you, because I know that you are my God. I know, dear God, that the strongest faith can falter In the worst moments, even those who demonstrate the faith of Elijah, the Lord still understands and loves. Sometimes I let discouragement torture me, my faith wavers when difficulties overwhelm me, when trials come, it seems stronger, but I know, oh God, that no one is tempted beyond what he can bear.

Just look at my soul, look inside me, you who know my life, the most intimate part of my heart. Search me, oh, God, give me more faith to follow you, help me to hold on to your word, help me to hold on to your promises, give me the faith of Abraham who left his family to follow your path. Give me more faith in times of anguish and illness, help me to have faith when unemployment knocks on my door and trust that the Lord will provide.
Help me have more faith, believing that he will not let me fall and will help me in my trials. Take my heart, Lord., it is yours, I cannot give it, because it is already yours, place me in the purest and holiest atmosphere so that I can have your blessing.
Oh eternal God, bring me to you, and just like the dear apostle, I ask, Lord, give me more faith. I want to have faith in you because you will always hear me, I want to have faith because it will not be long, I want to have faith because I know the dark cloud will pass. Help me to believe in you much more than I do now.
I do not only ask for myself, but to everyone who believes in your name, help each of my family members to place their lives in your hands, help the missionary's faith to remain firm in trials, give me courage to testify for you, may my faith shine to the point that people see Christ in me, help me be your argument to the world, living a holy and righteous life. Help me to be more like Christ, help me to have the faith that led Him to the cross, to die for me and shed His precious blood.
Oh, God, hear this prayer, extend your powerful hand and answer my request, beloved Father, I pray, trusting in your presence, may my faith be greater than a mustard seed. In the name of Jesus. Amen!
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