Prayer for the integrity of the heart

I will give thanks to you with integrity of heart, when I have learned your righteous judgments. Psalm 119:7

Lord, God the Father, Holy One of Israel, I seek you, for the great desire to have integrity of heart and to learn all your righteous judgments. My God, dear Father, forgive me by your Holy mercy for my sins, and not only mine, but also those of my family, friends and my beloved brothers in the church. Beloved Father I want to be righteous like Job, I want to be firm like a rock, which cannot be shaken. May the Lord be my firm rock, in the depths of my heart and help me to act with integrity, may my life be a testimony to you and may I one day contemplate your face of justice and shine with the light of your glory.


Lord God, I want to thank you for your great kindness and mercy, for your compassionate love, so deep. I know, Father, that I am not worthy of your grace, even though I do my best, nothing can save me from perdition, except your redeeming grace that transforms human character and strengthens faith and straightens the path of the heart.

Lord God, I want grace from you with integrity of heart, when I have learned your righteous judgments, I want this to be strong in my life. I want, O God of Israel, to be filled with your spirit, so that, Lord, I can walk with righteousness, no matter what anguish I am going through.

Prayer for the integrity of the heart

So beloved Father, help me to be more like Christ, help me, Lord God, to walk as he walked, Christ followed the plain path even in the midst of so many trials, so Lord, I want to walk on the same path, I want to be righteous, I want to understand your righteous judgments every day so that, Heavenly Father, I may walk in accordance with your righteous judgments.

Oh God, with all my heart I am seeking you at this moment, because grace and integrity must come only from you, so Father, I will seek only you who are Eternal God, who shows mercy to mankind.


God, eternal Father, please look inside me, come correct me when I am wrong, guide me when I have any doubts, help me if, by chance, I am not walking with integrity of heart, please oh Father, don't let me get lost along the way, for, O God, I do not want to perish, but rather be sanctified with your spirit.

So Lord, help me to walk with integrity of heart, just as Abraham walked, just as Job walked, just as John walked, help me to walk whole in your presence, may my life be full, full of you, my only beloved and holy God.

So Father, I want to give you grace, I want my heart to be whole, I want, dear God, to learn your righteous judgments, I want to walk firmly until the end of my life, bless me, bless my mother, bless my father, bless my brothers, bless all my family, bless, Lord, every person I have had contact with and spoken about you, have mercy on each one of them, help them all to walk straight on your path, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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