Prayer Asking for Wisdom

 The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks wisdom.Proverbs 18:15

Our Father who art in heaven, I approached you with a prayer asking for wisdom. I confess my sins from now on, and I come to you recognizing your great infinity. I know, Heavenly Father, that you are great in power, slow to anger. You are always attentive to the prayer of the contrite and humble of heart. Although, God, you are too great to look at me, a poor sinner, I know that you hear me. Forgive me for some offense that I do not remember, help me to always be well in your presence, oh Father of love.


O eternal God, only from you, dear Father, can true knowledge and true wisdom be obtained. That is why I seek you as the only source of understanding and instruction. Lord God, Solomon asked for wisdom and you gave it to him. This changed a lot in his life, and I know it will change mine. However, eternal Father, I know that he has strayed from it, so, O Father, I realized that he was never as wise as the first time he recognized that he was just a child and could not manage alone.

So Father, I make this prayer asking for wisdom because I am just a child who does not know how to conduct myself alone, so I need the one and eternal God, from where all knowledge emanates, where all truth resides. Lord God, I do not want the wisdom of this world, because the wisdom that comes from above gives true understanding. So Father, only You are capable of giving me the source of eternal life.

Prayer for wisdom

I want, oh Lord God, to hear your voice whispering in my ear, saying son, this is the way, go through it. Help me, O God, to obtain true knowledge so that I may not walk alone, so that I may speak a good word to the weary, so that I may be a good channel of blessing to the one who is afflicted.

Lord God, the knowledge of wisdom is with you, how can I boast of any knowledge that I have! If it does not come from you, nothing else is of any use. Holy Father, it is no use for me to be good at grammar and not know the faithful words that give me wisdom. Oh, beloved Father, it is no use knowing mathematics if I do not understand the mathematics of salvation in my life. So too, God, it is no use knowing history and not understanding the history of redemption. In the same way, oh Father, it is no use for me to know about the area of medical health and not know about the great transfusion of blood from Jesus Christ for my life, dying in my place suffering on a cross.


O Father, true knowledge comes from you, so I could forgive those who offend me. Only then could I move forward and overcome my difficulties. Only then could I stand tall even when the ground disappears from under my feet..

Lord God, give me knowledge through your Holy Word, help me, Father, always listening to the message that comes from you. Dear God, I ask you, O ETERNAL, that give me the ability to distinguish the holy and the profane, so that I do not worship other gods without realizing it. O Father, give me wisdom to watch the avenues of the soul, give me true knowledge so that I can watch what I see, what I hear, what I pick up, the place where I am, and what I put in my mouth. That is why I make this prayer asking for wisdom, help me, O God, to be faithful in everything, so that I can walk as Christ walked, so that the blood of Christ becomes a life-giving power for my life.

Let the fountains of blessing pour down upon me, emanating through the cross of Christ to the throne of my heart. Father, may I never think that my good deeds will give me merit in salvation, so Father give me knowledge and wisdom., so that I may walk in your path as the recognition that I have accepted the cross that I have clung to your forgiveness.

Saint of Israel, I make this prayer asking for wisdom, because knowledge will never be used well without it. Be present in my life forever.

Give wisdom to each of my family members, so that they may recognize your greatness and seek you as I do. May Jesus be my portion. Answer my request and thanks, oh mighty God, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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