Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Psalms 85:6
Lord God, I seek you once again, because I need to renew my strength, only in you, oh Father, I can achieve this feat. Lord God how good I feel when I pray, how happy I feel when I seek your great presence. Eternal God, from now on, before I approach you, forgive my sins, and puts me closer to ti.
My life is full of challenges, problems plague me, sometimes it seems like I'm far away, life goes by and nothing happens, I know that the fight is great while I'm here on earth, therefore Lord, I have to seek you to renew my strength. I need one spiritual revival, therefore, I seek you once again. Who is above in the heavens, who is everywhere and looks down on the sinner?
Only you, Lord! Beloved Father, you know how my life is, with each passing day I realize that I need to improve my spiritual lifel, therefore, God, my beloved God, I seek your presence. Help me feel more desire to pray, help me feel more desire to study your sacred word.

Help me feel more like talking about you to people., help me, God of Israel, to be a light to the world. I need to show Christ to people, I need to show him to my family. Therefore, God, I seek you, I want a revival in my life and this is only possible with the Lord giving me your power, power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus called me to be the light of the world, he asked me to be the salt of the earth, so I seek the Lord to fill me with his saving grace, may the eternal blood of the covenant of Christ cover me. I kneel at your feet, before your presence, this is the highest place, I want to kneel before the cross of Christ, because in this high place the Lord can you lift me up and place me in your atmosphere of truth.
Revive me, Lord, remove everything that may be holding me back in my spiritual journey, take away from me every obstacle that hinders my spiritual growth. If it is something I see, if it is conversations I hear that do not please you, if it is some bad testimony, whatever it may be, open my eyes and help me change.
Lord, revive your work now in me, my heart wants to be close to you, shine your light in me, and help me make people recognize that you are the only God, who brought Salvation through Jesus Christ.
I am open, at this moment, to take possession of everything you want for my life. May my face behold your glory, may my life be salvation for others. And if, suddenly, I fail, come to me, whisper in my ear and say: You have a savior, on the cross I died for you to free you, set me on my feet again and may I proceed more revived than before. Price, trusting, not in myself, but in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Amen.
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