Prayer to Make Money and Get Rid of Debt and Achieve Financial Freedom

“Let your faith flow from God. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33)


My anxieties, my sadness, my loneliness and especially Jesus, the concern that I bring about my financial life. Lord Jesus, I come to place myself in your presence at this moment and offer you my life with everything I carry inside my heart.

I want to ask you right now that the Lord pours out Your blood over me and over the whole reality that involves my financial life, and how it affects my family, my work and the people I interact with.

Prayer to Make Money and Get Rid of Debt and Achieve Financial Freedom

I have lived moments of much distress, because my financial life is completely disorganized, today I have a lot of debts and really I don't know what to do anymore.

I have bills to pay, rent is late, I'm in debt and this is compromising my family and everyone. our family harmonyr. That is why today, at this moment, I beg: Pour your blood over all of this, Jesus, so that if there is any kind of spiritual problem directly linked to my financial life, it may be cut off. in the power of your blood!


His word says:”Don't worry,…”nor say ye: What shall we eat? What shall we drink? Wherewithal shall we be clothed? They are the pagans who care about all these things. Now your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.

Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you in addition. Do not worry, for as for tomorrow: tomorrow will have its own worries. “Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6:31-34)

That's why Jesus, if until today I have not lived according to the Your will, Today I want to commit myself according to the Your will. If until today I have sought you only for what the Lord was going to give me; today I come to seek you, because I understood that in everything I need of Your presence.

But I ask you Lord Jesus to free me from all the problems that I bring into my financial life. Because I believe in His word, and I believe that the Lord looks at me and also cares about me. financial reality that I live in today.

I call upon the power of Your name Jesus over all my family tree, about all my ancestors. If there were fights among my ancestors due to financial issues, theft or betrayal among our family, and as a consequence of this, words of curse were thrown, words said with hatred, anger, envy; cut all of this in the power of Your name Jesus!

What none of this has any more power over me and my financial life. If there were situations in my ancestors of people attached to money, murders because of money, ambition, family money, spending on purchases of illicit things, drugs, prostitution, sex, adultery, lies... That in all this now Jesus, may Your presence be made and may through Your name the Healing and Liberation happens.

If my ancestors or I myself spent my money on wrong things or to feed situations of sin, today I ask for forgiveness, because I know that bad money spending can become a curse for us, so free us.

May His redeeming blood also be shed over me and my ancestors if we seek solutions where the Lord was not: If we seek help in blessings, in the occult, in Macumba, in witchcraft, in cleansing baths, in palmistry, in the search for contact with the dead; in all this I proclaim Your power and Your Deliverance Lord Jesus.

If I sought financial help for through witchcraft, if I sought out magicians, if I worked against other people, if my house was used for these purposes, my work, my office, I RENOUNCE all of this now Jesus by the power of Your Name!

I renounce all of this! I ask your forgiveness if I or my ancestors sought all these things that today I know are not to your liking!

I ask your forgiveness, Jesus, if I doubted that you took care of me and my family! Forgiveness if I offended you with my words, if I blamed the Lord for this financial difficulty, forgive me Lord! Forgive me if I cursed my financial life saying that that I win It's misery, I'm starving, my salary is "crap", it's not enough to nothing!

Forgive me if I said words damn about my job, about my bosses, if I too have cursed them with words, wishing them hunger, misery, poverty and pain! I also want to release my forgiveness to them, if I thought that they were ever unfair to me, when they delayed my salary or even when they did not pay what was rightfully mine, I forgive them now in your name Jesus! I release my forgiveness to each one of them! And from today on, Lord Jesus, may I reap the fruits of liberation from all the problems in my financial life.

May the Lord pour out the Holy Spirit upon me, helping me in my natural abilities, so that I can find a way to pay off my debts, because I know that money will not fall from the sky. Therefore, empower my knowledge, give me wisdom, organization and ability to manage these debts.

I ask that you open the doors to new job opportunities, that situations of labor lawsuits and financial unfold by the power of Your Name Jesus.

May the Holy Spirit give me the necessary tranquility and calm in my cause, with my family, and may the Holy Spirit not allow despair and impatience because of this!

I want to proclaim that from this day on I am a new person, and that my financial life will gradually resolve itself, and that I will look for to You Jesus with faithfulness of heart! Everything is in Your hands, therefore I proclaim: I trust and hope in you, Lord! Amen!

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