And it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. Matthew 25:14-15
My God and Father, I am here seeking you with a prayer of talents, always wanting to serve you. Your mercy lasts forever and that is why humanity is not consumed. However, I am here because I want to serve you faithfully and contribute to your eternal kingdom. Forgive my sins, O Father, and strengthen my faith so that I may walk worthily in your path.
My life depends on you Father, so I recognize in this prayer of talents that the Lord grants blessings to man. This parable that Jesus told speaks of the Lord giving talents to men so that they may be used correctly. But for this, My God, it is necessary that your servants be faithful to what the Lord has given us. The Lord gave different talents to men and all those who use them for the honor and glory of your name will have an eternal reward.
Holy Father, gift me with this prayer of talents, trusting in your eternal promise. Yes, my God, all those who trust in you will live a worthy life without excuse to sin when they sin. In this parable, each of your servants receives a certain amount of talents, but one of them is negligent in using them. This is why it became a problem in his life because he did not use them for the benefit of the salvation of others. So do not let me be negligent in relation to your truth here on earth.
Oh God, hear my prayer for talents. Give me your gifts and help me to use them for the honor and glory of your holy and blessed name. In this way, I will be a blessing to my neighbor, and he will always be on solid ground. Lord God, I know that the more your servant uses his talents, the more he perfects them in your path.. Everything that you dedicate your life to, the Lord makes your talents grow.
That is why I make this prayer of talents, dear Father, that the Lord bless me in their use. In this way, all of His servants who correctly use the gifts that the Lord gave will grow in Grace by virtue of the Holy Spirit. But, my God, whoever wishes to live a double life will be lost forever.
Help me not to seek the center of attention, take away from me all denominational pride and self-exaltation for the gifts you give me. So I will walk firmly in your path, where the Holy Spirit will be my guide, my instructor on the journey to the heavenly Canaan. Besides, my God, I free from guilt and take me to meet you.
My prayer for talents is the recognition that the Lord is the one who gives gifts to men. However, my God, when a person sings for the world, uses his voice for the world, his knowledge for self-exaltation, he will be lost if he does not repent. God save me from worldly music, help me not to be interested in films and soap operas and everything that dishonors your truth..
Help me to be a person prepared for your kingdom through prayer and the study of your word, meditation and righteous living. But, my God, when I sin, I will look to your sanctuary and see my Savior forgiving me.. Holy Father, hear my prayer for talents, help me not to bury the gifts that the Lord gave me, free me from all uselessness.
My Father, turn my eyes away from all my paths, from everything that separates me from You. Then I invite Christ to dwell in my heart and make His home there. I ask for all this praising and thanking Your name, being exalted forever in the name of my beloved Savior Jesus. Amen!
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