Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but remains firm forever.Psalms 125:1
Holy God, I seek your presence with this prayer of goals because I have firm trust in the Lord. Surely the Lord knows all things and cares about all our needs. I place my plans in your hands because the Lord has all the knowledge to show me what is best for me.
In you I trust, I place all my hopes, every goal, every plan and all my needs. I have many goals on this earth, but I put your kingdom first. However, since this world is evil, I ask May the Lord guard my mind so that I no longer look to my will.
I will seek you with this prayer of goals, because I look to the Lord, I know that in you I have the strength to move forward. Be with my dreams, may they somehow honor your name. In this way I will testify of you, because even in my life plans I want the Lord to be the center of everything.
I do not wish to have projects and goals if the Lord is not part of them. But I will build all of them on your rock so that I do not collapse. So be with my present life, be with my future life too. Guard my steps on your path as I pursue my dreams.
I consecrate myself to you daily, I will raise my prayer of goals and present myself to the Lord with faith and love. But do not allow me to look at the world to the point of finding myself more attached to it than to the Lord. So take over my mind, live in my heart and make a big change in it.
If those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, then I trust in you. I know that my help comes only from the Almighty God, I recognize your infinite greatness and your compassionate love. My mind fails me sometimes, so help me to lift my face and look to you. The Lord is my recovery when I am like anyone crushed in spirit.
Before the Lord I present myself with this prayer of objectives because I want to deliver my profession into your hands. I also deliver my family, in the same way my gifts and my possessions. Thus my trust will be firmer and more secure in the Lord.
Only the Lord is my support in the struggles, that's why I follow you because I know that the Lord is firm like a mountain that cannot be shaken. The Lord is my daily song even when my faith is not as strong as it should be. Even so the Lord helps me and gives me help.
I know that at this moment the Lord is on his throne of grace listening to my prayer of goals. So do your will in my life and direct my steps so that I make the right decisions. That's why my security is only in the Lord.
Hear this prayer of mine, my beloved and holy God. May your will be done in my life forever in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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