In this the love of God was manifested toward us, because God sent his only Son into the world, that we might live through him. 1 John 4:9
My God and Father, I love approaching you with this prayer of living for Christ because my beloved savior is the love that transforms hearts at all times. Come and live in me so that my life may be increasingly firm. Be my daily food so that my life may manifest your love and care.
Your love was manifested through your beloved Son, Jesus, who is the salvation for all. In Him the entire universe is redeemed because sin has not only stained this world, but the entire cosmos. So manifest your daily salvation in my life and in the lives of my loved ones around me. The Lord is the soul restoration, which strengthens all who believe in your name.
Lord, when I look at the Cross, I cannot help but seek with this prayer to live for Christ. For Jesus Christ is an infinite gift not only to the world, but to the entire universe. Your word says that the enemy rebelled against you there in heaven, so he brought the stain to the entire cosmos. Therefore, I ask that you have mercy on me and strengthen my soul.
I need you more and more each day because without the Lord there is no salvation and remission of sins. Only Jesus Christ is able to enter my heart and transform my life completely. Even though there is no one to remember me, Jesus Christ is my love until the end. Divinity joined forces with humanity to rescue the human being from where he was..
A love as deep as this has changed my life and my way of living, so I seek you with this prayer of living for Christ. My desire is to honor you with my words, thoughts and actions. I want to be your argument in this sinful world. Even though I am weak like anyone else on earth, I have given my life to the Lord..
Come be my everything in everything that my life means. Your love is deeper than death because not even death can resist your power and your will to save the human being. I thank you for your kindness and your action in my life.. May your name be magnified and exalted, O beloved Father.
All the redeemed will surely worship you forever one day, yes, at that time that the Lord has determined. Do not let me forget your goodness and your compassion, for I seek you with this prayer of living for Christ. Strengthen my faith and keep me under the protective shelter of the Holy Spirit..
May my life be safe in you at all times that I am alive on this earth. Keep me from straying into crooked paths. So I will cling to your wonderful Grace because salvation in Christ is what transforms the human being.
Praise Your name for the opportunity for me to pray this prayer of living for Christ. Answer these requests for thanksgiving in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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