He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches: 'To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except the one who receives it.'” Revelation 2:17
Lord, my God and Father is winner's prayer I present myself to you because I trust in your promise here in the book of Revelation. Because the Lord always has promises for those who will be victorious. So I will go forward with those who will be saved when Christ returns to earth. That is why I place my life in your hands and I ask you now, please, to forgive me for my sins. Also purify my being and transform it into something new, and may the action of your saving grace be life-giving for my life..
I seek You, Lord, through this Prayer of the Overcomer because I believe in this promise. In the past, the Lord sent manna to the Israelites in the desert to feed them. Thus, they were able to have food that satisfied them throughout the journey to Canaan.
In the same way the Lord promises to give His spiritual manna to all those who follow the path towards the heavenly Canaan.. Just as the Lord promised to guide them to a land flowing with milk and honey, where there was plenty of food and pasture for the animals, the Lord does with those who go to the heavenly Canaan.
So, my God, hear this prayer of the overcomer because I will go through the gate of the holy city because the Lord is the one who will give me the power to do so.. I know that I am not capable of doing this on my own, because when I look at myself I see no way to save myself, but when I look at Christ I see no way to lose myself. It is faith that takes possession of the merits of Christ on the cross of Calvary deposited in my account. So my security is completely in Jesus Christ.
The Lord promises spiritual Manna to everyone who studies your word and follows it firmly out of love for you. Thus all those who meditate on His truth, live it in prayer and vigilance are under His protective guard until the end of time.. Even my God, all those who died saved will one day be resurrected for eternal glory.
In this prayer of victory, I place my life under your protective guidance. Holy God, I know that the little white stone you are referring to here is one of forgiveness. So I am grateful that instead of the black stone of condemnation as it was judged at the time, the Lord will give me absorption..
I thank you, my God and King, for Jesus having died for me, saving my life with the blood of the promise sealed on the cross. Your promise to give me a new name is the guarantee that I will be part of your kingdom. together with all who have trusted in Jesus. In my prayers asking for peace and protection, I seek to draw closer to the God who has the power to do whatever He wants.
You are my eternal Father, I will give you my praise, so in this prayer of the victor I place my heart before you so that you may change my life completely. So do something new in me, hear and answer according to your kindness, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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