Divine Treasure Prayer

And there will be stability in your times, an abundance of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; and the fear of the Lord will be your treasure. Isaiah 33:6

Mine divine treasure prayer It is my life, I place my dear God and Savior in your hands. It was your truths that transformed my life and gave me a new meaning to it. So I seek you in every way out of love and gratitude for what you have done in me.


It is precisely from you that all the fullness of wisdom and knowledge comes. Therefore, I place myself under your guardianship, accepting your eternal salvation in Christ Jesus. So come and live with me, be in my home, filling with your light and grace.

I need you at all times, so I seek you with this prayer from the divine treasure. The Lord certainly has immense gifts to give to everyone who believes. So I cling to Christ, because I recognize the greatness of salvation for me.


May the abundance of your salvation fill the hearts of my family and friends. So too, may each person who receives your word see how much the Lord loves them. That's why I cling to your love and I will seek your daily wisdom.


Be with me at all times so that I do not make hasty decisions. So also when I am on paths that displease you, may your Holy Spirit come to show your salvation. So I I will turn my eyes again to where I left off and I will be in your hands.

I don't want to live by myself, so I go to the Lord with this prayer from the divine treasure. Certainly the eternal treasures that are stored in you do great things in my life. That's why Don't let me forget any of your ways.

The Lord is certainly my special and eternal treasure, the one who through his Son redeemed human beings. Then my steps will be towards eternity because the Lord is the one who opens the way for me to pass. Therefore I give praise and thanks to the Lord.

My God, come and listen to this prayer from the divine treasure and help me to always fear your name. This way I will have a pure heart and straight. This will do I praise you every day of my life, even in the most difficult moments.

I need two gifts because they are enchanting and perform miracles that nothing else can do. Your Holy Spirit enters and takes up residence in my heart, removing all the dirt of sin. That's why remove all traces of bad and unpleasant things from my life.

I await the treasure that comes from you because that of the world perishes. I come before you with this prayer from the Divine treasure with the certainty that The Lord is the one who transforms life and changes the human heart.

Be with me, with my family and with every person I have witnessed your word. Your will be done in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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