Prayer of the Sufferer

Our hope for you is steadfast, knowing that as you share in our sufferings, so you will share in our comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:7

I approach you, my God, with this prayer of the sufferer because my trust is only in the Lord. To whom will I turn in times of anguish and despair? Only to you, for I have help coming from the Lord who sees everything. Help me to fall in love with your truth and seek you like a hummingbird seeks a flower.


My hope is in you, because your Spirit opens my heart and helps me to accept you. You are the center of my life, God who is love and who always has your hands outstretched to help. So I will be a participant in everything that comes from you. My consolation comes from the Lord who created all things and always acts in favor of human beings..

At various times in my life I seek you with this prayer of the sufferer because my life has intense struggles against the enemy. But he will not prevail because the Lord is my strong tower. God, forgive my sins and help me to flee from everything that dishonors you. Thus my life will be blameless before men.


Holy Father, my soul is only happy when it comes to you because your promises are fulfilled in their time. So help me to pray in difficulties, in personal struggles and in all kinds of situations. As I I am a partaker of Christ in joys, may I be in sorrows and in anything else.


I want your help because I believe in it, it refreshes my soul and makes me rest in calm waters. In the prayer of the suffering I find consolation because I study your word. Live in my heart now so that I don't make decisions that displease you.. I don't want to die before your promises are fulfilled in my life.

How good it is to follow you, to know that I am on the right path and that the Lord is always ready to help. I thank you, my God, for the honor and privilege of being by your side. This is certainly the wish of all who desire you with all their heart. That is why I will stand by your side with everything I have and am for the glory of your name.

Listen, my God, in the prayer of the sufferer and help me to walk on calm waters. One day I will see you, I will be able to contemplate the united divinity, there will be the center of truth and equity. In this way I will be a person transformed by your Holy Spirit. Christ was in Gethsemane, fighting with the forces of evil and he began to seek you, I also want to do this to remain firm.

Be by my side so that I do not get lost on the way, so my God, help me to walk straight without deviating. This way my focus will be on the Lord. Always ease my soul, even when things aren't going well., for my comfort comes from you.

Accept this prayer of mine as a sufferer because I ask it in the name of my beloved shepherd Jesus. So

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