Prayer for help during exams

I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalms 121:1,2

My beloved and good God, I lift up my mind with this prayer for help in trials. Here I place my hopes completely in Jesus, where my faith lies. In this way I can feel a renewing strength that springs forth, encouraging me to move forward.


All those who seek you will certainly find you because the Lord is always listening to us. That is why I thank the Lord for this opportunity to draw near to you. Lord God, I do not want to live a tortuous life, but I want to be walking with Jesus every day of my life.

When I lift my eyes to the mountains in prayer for help in trials, I see my help. So I am filled with joy knowing that there is a God who helps me and welcomes me in the greatest adversities of life. Therefore, in you is my guarantee, my comfort and strength to move forward.


I want to honor you with my life and have a faith as firm as steel so that I can testify of you to everyone around me. So come help me when anguish takes hold of me and anxiety slap me affecting my physical and mental health.


Seeking you in this prayer for help in trials makes me grow spiritually and prepares me for life's journeys. That's why I ask that you help me face all the trials that appear in my life. So don't let me get discouraged, give me the power to overcome each one.

May your peace overwhelm me, giving me tranquility for each challenge, so that fear will not dominate me. Although the challenges are enormous at times, I do not want my life to be only of endless trials, but of good moments as well. That is why May your Spirit give me strength when I am falling.

Every day I want to look to the mountains and seek you with this prayer for help in trials. In this way my soul will be strengthened, it will be fed by your Holy Spirit. In this way I will grow richly attached to the Lord who raises the human being from the dust.

Be the center of my life, be everything to all of us in this house, come help us deal with trials with people. In the same way, give me strength to face any physical or financial problems I may face. So even in anguish and pain I will stand.

Lord God Almighty, I seek you in this prayer for help in trials because I know that I have all the power on my side. So nothing will be too much for me, especially knowing that no one is tempted beyond what he can bear.

I rejoice in following you and knowing that I can trust in you, that my beloved Jesus is interceding for me, a sinner. So I come to the throne of grace to seek help in time of need Heb 4:16. All this I ask in the name of my beloved Jesus. Amen!

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