But he who endures to the end will be saved.Matthew 24:13
Lord my Father, on this day I set out to seek you with this prayer of the saved, because Jesus saved me on the cross of Calvary and for that reason I will live with Him forever. It is clear, my God, that my trust is not in myself, but in Your action in my life. Soon I will be in glory because of Your immense love and mercy, so I seek You continually so that I may remain firm until the end.
Life is so beautiful, therefore death will not have dominion over your children whom you saved as the greatest offering that heaven could give to human beings.. Your righteousness is everlasting righteousness and your truth is the belt that surrounds your waist. Therefore, I cannot stop trusting in you because the Lord is holy and magnificent. So come and save me daily from the snares of the enemy.
Every time I start to seek you by praying this prayer of the saved, I first think: who am I to find favor in your eyes? I am truly dust, a sinner, a flawed person. But despite my mistakes the Lord came down to earth in the person of his eternal Son to save me. This is too wonderful for me.
How, my eternal God, would it not be wonderful since heaven came down with its greatest gift? Then every time the enemy comes to accuse me I will present the cross, for there the King of kings came to save me. Then there is no condemnation for those who stand by you in spirit and truth.
I will not stop seeking you with this prayer of the saved because I know in whom I have believed, so I thank you for forgiving me my sins. I even say, if there is something that I have failed to confess, remind me so that I may confess it to you. So I will always be at peace with you because I hold on to Jesus, my beloved savior..
One thing I know in my heart, that I must persevere, remain firm, but for that I ask for your Holy Spirit, baptize me with Him daily. I know, my Father, that this perseverance is not to justify myself before you, because works do not save, but it is a perseverance of clinging to the Lord with all our strength.
Come and act in the lives of all those who are seeking you at this moment with some prayer of salvation. This way, they will be able to be with the Lord one day because they remained firm. Be my strength when faith is somehow shaken, when everything seems dark and when life becomes dull. Help me to always look to the timely salvation that Christ gave me on the cross of Calvary
Before you I surrender myself so that the Lord may empty me of my self so that Jesus may dwell in my heart all the time, forever. In this prayer of salvation, I empty myself before you, I invoke you, I give you everything I have for the love of the Lord..
So Father, answer my prayer, for your own sake, answer my God because I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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