Prayer of refreshment

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Psalms 23:5

Holy One of Israel, the Lord is the only one who can answer this prayer of refreshment because there is no other God. In this world of sin, our heads are full of problems, needing the Lord to comfort us at all times. So I seek you continually because I know where I find refuge for my tired soul.


Just like a thirsty man in the desert looking for water and shade, I look for you to quench my spiritual thirst. And so, in the same way the May the Lord cover me with the pillar of cloud from the hot sun of the bad things of this earth.

I believe that right now the Lord is hearing this prayer of refreshing. Even more so since Christ said he was going to go up to the heavenly mansions to make abodes. There, evil will certainly not rise again. That's why everyone who clings to the cross of Christ is clinging to salvation and eternal life that is only in him.

Help me to have patience and perseverance so that I can walk and not let discouragement be greater than my faith. Although the enemies of Psalm 23 are different from my situation, Today I want the Lord to leave me prepared to face every evil that the enemy raises. So, instead of looking at the human I will look at the great spiritual battle that is around me. So I will follow your path with mine devotion prayers.

Although I go through difficulties in this life, sometimes receiving the cup of contentions around me, certainly one day I will have the cup of salvation. That's why I cling to the Lord with this prayer of refreshment. I thank you for every opportunity you give me, even though I am a sinful person. I thank you for not letting me live in rebellion, because I don't want to enjoy sinning. May my words be like oil that cools a person's pain. This way my life will be meaningful because love will dwell in my heart.


Don't let me, my God, make excuses not to go down the wrong path. But yes, I can go forward even if gigantic barriers are in front of me. In reality there is nothing compared to your power. Therefore, there is no place that I cannot live if the Lord so desires.

The Lord is the center of human existence, he is the origin of all things. That's why I confess my sins to the Lord every day because he purifies me and refreshes my soul.. So listen to this prayer of refreshment and help me to walk correctly in the paths that Christ walked.

Although I'm not perfect, I know the Lord can change me for the better. So, my God, let's make an exchange, I give you my weak and flawed heart and may the Lord give me the righteousness of Christ. So I will put on Jesus and be part of your people who will live in the new Heaven and Earth forever.

I place all this gospel prayer in your hands, so you will pour salvation into my life. In the same way I could present this message of salvation to friends and family. May for your sake everyone be together one day in the name of my beloved savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

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