The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. Salmos 51:17
My beloved God, I thank you for this opportunity to do this prayer of the broken heart because from you comes my strength for the journey. So I place my trust entirely in your powerful hands that reach out to help all who seek you. So I set out to seek you with all my strength.
Holy God, I ask forgiveness for the sins I committed today, restore my life and help me to walk by your side always. I know that you are always ready to listen to those who break their hearts before you. In this way, I trust in you even more. Lord who sees everything and has compassion on those who seek him.
Oh God, how good it is to be before you with this prayer of a broken heart because I feel closer to you and therefore my faith only tends to grow. That is why your name is praised by the holy angels. Holy God, here is my contrite heart, open for Jesus to come and make his home in it. So I come to the Lord with all my strength.
Help me to love you so that my actions are the result of a heart that has been completely given to you. I thank you because you never deny me, The Lord is the one who always makes me feel like a safe person. So help me to seek you, take away from me everything that takes me away from you.
My eternal King, see what I say at this moment, look at my sincerity, for I desire to be close to You. You know my life as a whole, so hear this prayer of my broken heart. My heart longs for a radical change, so that I can be a blessing to myself and everyone around me.
My broken heart is truly open, so do not allow hypocrisy to dominate my being because I do not want to live a spiritually weak life. That is why I ask that you take care of me, of every detail, helping me to be the Christian that the Lord desires. So my Christian life will be firm as a rock because I will trust in you not in myself.
I know my heart is weak and flawed, but what I have to give you is Him, because I trust that He can change it. I give it to you because the Lord does not despise me, but looks at me as if I were the only person on this earth. So I feel special for Jesus is here by my side, listening to my broken hearted prayer.
This prayer of the broken is because I want to be closer to you, to see your goodness even when times are bad. Don't let me leave my heart open to the evil one. So come and operate your divine healing every day.
Christ says in Revelation 3:21: Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone opens the door, he will enter through it and make his home. So trusting in all His promises that are faithful and enabling. I ask all this in the name of my beloved Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!
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