Prayer of firm purpose

You, Lord, will keep him in perfect peace whose purpose is steadfast; because he trusts you. Isaiah 26:3

I seek you, Lord, in this prayer of firm purpose because the Lord is my sustainer. That's why it gives me strength when I'm exhausted and seem to be staggering and almost sinking. Even in terrible tides of problems, the Lord gives us a peace that the world will never understand in His wisdom. I confess my sins to you to have peace in my heart, so forgive me for any fault, help me to confess what I remember.


With the Lord by my side I have peace of mind even in anguish, even in any suffering. So help me walk in your eternal purpose for my life. So don't allow me to trust men too much. But I cling to you, because you don't lie but keep all the promises in my life.

When I seek the Lord with this prayer of firm purpose I feel much more strength to move forward. This way my journey in this life has a real and true meaning. So I am not like those who live only for this life and not for the hereafter. O God, make a throne in my heart, give me discernment so that I know how to separate what is good and what is bad in my life.


I will hold on to your promises even if some of them seem long. However, I know that you have always fulfilled and always put your people in a place of peace even in the face of the strong winds of life. Renew my strength and help me see beyond the dark clouds. Like this. I will see your blessing in every phase of my life. In this way I showed men what a person dedicated to their cause can do.


I don't want to stop seeking you with these prayers of firm purpose because I trust you. Then I will be able to come to the Lord at all times because Jesus is my intercessor and king. I thank you because the purpose you gave me is firm and unshakable, so even if I walk in thorns I know that the Lord is helping me. Therefore, if my feet get stuck, the Lord will help me to bear it by faith. If you don't hurt me, I will show you how the Lord has protected me, so you will always be with me in proof.

Father, whoever lives life with purpose lives for the Lord, so keep me from the evil one so that he does not come and put truths mixed with lies in my mind. I trust your power that is always released to all those who reach out and touch your clothes. Just as the people sought Jesus here on earth, they must seek you by faith now, at this moment.

May I always seek you with this prayer of firm purpose to become more grounded in you. So I will sing with joy in knowing that you heard me, in seeing that every step I take in my life is taken care of. I thank you for freeing and saving me, for Christ having died in my place. By doors that opened to get where I am. For knowing that grace saved me and set me free.

Hear and answer my prayer and strengthen my faith every moment, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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