Prayer of the partaker of Christ

For we have become partakers of Christ, if indeed we hold fast the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end.Hebrews 3:14

I seek you my God, with this prayer of the partaker of Christ because I am part of this group that is by your side. May everyone who is in your presence be so calm because they have everything they need. So there is nothing better than your saving grace and having the infinite power for me to face all the power of darkness.


I feel peace every time I turn to you with this prayer of the participant of Christ. In this way I would be connected to my eternal savior, for he came to earth as a humble man to save me. So I cannot forget this great grace that performed a miracle in me and is now performing it through me. Oh! Lord, my God is countless, your mercies are the cause that we are not consumed.

So look at me at this moment and see my afflictions and worries in life. I confess to you all my sins and daily faults because I know that at your feet I can be lifted up. So restoration of the partaker of Christ I hold fast unto the end and with confidence.


I hold on to everything that has been revealed to me because that is how my life has been transformed. In this way I take my prayer to the highest heaven, there to your throne of grace because I know that my prayer as a participant in Christ will be answered. Redemption me with your grace, because this grace became a person who took the cross and died on it to save my life..


May your name be praised and magnified, my God, for you are holy and worthy of all honor and glory. So I ask that you help me to be more and more a partaker of Christ. So I will hold fast to the superabundance of Grace that was manifested in the flesh and dwelt among us full of truth.

Oh my God, I draw near to You to worship You in the beauty of Your holiness. I know that Your abundant grace has transformed drunkards into sober people who seemed hopeless. This shows how grace reaches those who are unreachable. In this way I seek you with this prayer of the participant of Christ because I am yet another miracle of the power of the Cross..

Praise be to your name, my God, for besides creating all things, you redeemed them all through the blood of Christ. Thus, what was good before sin will become much more beautiful after redemption. That's why I can't help but be amazed at such a blessing that helps the tired.

How can all this happen, the Lord transforming evil into blessing, taking human beings from the power of Satan to your Holy power? The enemy, my God, is lost, but the human being can still choose which side he will be on.. That is why I choose your side to seek you in this prayer of the participant of Christ.

So I ask that you hear me, incline your ear to hear my voice, although I am weak and sinful, I know that you love me unconditionally. Therefore, I ask this prayer in the sweet beloved name of your Son Jesus. Amen!

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