Prayer of the Obedient

Jesus replied, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word. My Father will love him, we will come to him and make our home with him.John 14:23

My true God, here is one of your servants once again seeking you with this prayer of the obedient. In this life living a life of obedience is not easy, but the Lord is the one who gives power to obey. The Lord is certainly not unjust, so if the Lord asks, He will certainly provide. I need you, I want Jesus to live in my heart.


I owe my life completely to the Lord, if divinity gave everything it had to save human beings, I want to give everything I have to you. And may all of this be a response to the great love that the Lord has for me, a sinner. So right now I dedicate everything I am and have to the Lord.

I consecrate my life to the Lord at this moment, I lift my soul to you with this prayer of the obedient. In this way I will live a righteous life for the love of you and your cause. Although I am not a deserving person, I am someone who recognize your greatness and your infinite love for humanity.


Only from you comes soul healing, only in the Lord do I have the answer to my desires. Father, my desire is to love you with all my heart and if that is not yet within me, may the Lord help me to love you above all things. Like this Jesus will connect my life to the divinity that renews the human being.


As I approach you with this prayer of the obedient, I feel an enormous desire to keep your word in my heart so as not to sin against you. Holy Father, I know that You love me unconditionally, so help me respond to this love to obey you at all costs.

My soul connects with Jesus who embraced me and saved me. So when things get tough at home, at work, in any situation, let me stand firm. Including Don't allow family problems, emotional situations and even illness to separate me from you.

Just as Christ's love was stronger than death, my love will be steadfast if your Holy Spirit dwells in me. That's why I always want to seek you with this prayer of the obedient, trusting that the love of Christ motivates me to move forward.

Jesus said that he will make his home in my heart, if I am an obedient and faithful person to the Lord. So don't let me fall into the temptation of pride and selfishness. Like this Take away from me everything that could keep me from you.

With this prayer of the obedient I place myself in your presence to bring light to my life. I know that anguish, sadness comes, but from you comes the power to face all things. Then nothing can separate me from your love in Christ Jesus.

I finish this prayer, my Father of love and holiness, trusting entirely in what you have promised to everyone who believes. Accept and answer this prayer of mine in the name of Jesus, for your own sake. Amen!

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