Mediator's Prayer

For there is one God and one Mediator between God and humanity, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all, a testimony that must be given in appropriate times.1 Timothy 2:5,6

Mine mediator's prayer At this moment it is to feel your presence in my life even more, so I will always stand up because your hand will always be with me.


My God and Father, I know the greatness of the Grace of Christ that manifested itself to humanity to save it. That's why in this mediator's prayer I know all this wonderful grace that transformed many people's lives. No matter the time or situation, the Lord transforms and changes history.

So in this prayer of the mediator I recognize that there is no man or anything else who intercedes other than Christ. I know that Christ's intercession before you, my God, is for his merits conquered on the cross of Calvary. There is no leader I can look to at this time other than Jesus, my Christ King and Savior. Christ is the bridge that connects heaven and earth.


That's why I can't help but seek the mediator's prayer, because only Christ who is God could die to save the human race. That way Only the sacrifice of an incarnate God could change the fate of the inhabitants of this world.


So listen to this prayer, come closer to me, my God, and help me to see your love, your kindness, your Holy mercy. So my life will always be filled with your goodness and the power of the omnipotent Spirit. Be the center of all my living, so the blessing will be poured into my life.

If it is just God who mediates between God and man, then I cling to the cross not to carry it physically from one place to another on this earth. Although I want to grasp the cross, clinging to Jesus' message to the world around me. In the same way, I want to live your truth in my life, having faith and love for others.

Come to me with your sanctifying presence to shape my character and transform me into a new being. So, in this prayer of the mediator I cling to this opportune time, in this powerful Grace that manifested itself and became savior for all men. That's why I pray that I may be more each day thirsty for your truth.

May your name be exalted and magnified on earth as it is in heaven. I know that one day I will lay the crown of glory at the feet of Jesus, kneeling before him, thanking him for everything he did in my life. It will be a unique moment, because all those saved from all times are doing this.

I know that there is no way to understand a love so great to the point of becoming a man and dying in the most dishonorable way at the time. But I thank you, dear Father, because Christ was a curse in my place. Then the door was opened to humanity for eternal salvation. That's why in this mediator's prayer I ask you to change my luck, making me look at you and never look away again.

So answer this prayer, my God, because I recognize your eternal and infinite greatness Father. There is no way to forget your grace that manifested itself to man and saved many who clung to you. Therefore, I end this prayer by thanking you with all my heart in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen!

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