Prayer of the consecrated home

Consecrate to the Lord everything you do, and your plans will be successful.Proverbs 16:3

My God, from now on, accept this of mine prayer of the consecrated home because I wish my whole family to be with you forever. So forgive us and protect us from all evil. Every time the enemy comes to harm us, come with your Spirit and give us the power to win. Only through you do I have the power and strength to overcome evil. Help us to stay standing, united in prayer and with firmness of purpose.


Take care of this family, keep us in live for Christ, firm us in your truth. We will do our best not to be saved, but because we are saved in Jesus. Look at us, visit our home with your angels, let your light shine on our home. I will continue to follow you, dedicating myself to your cause, always in prayer and faith. With the Lord we have eternal victory, so I will do whatever you ask.

Holy Father, great God of inaccessible light, take our longings into your hands and keep us in your holy word. I'm with you, From you comes the Holy Spirit, the comforter for all moments, the omnipotent who gives us all the power to overcome darkness. The Lord created the family, so helping us even in our difficulties is closer to his ideal.


I will maintain communion with you, saying this prayer from the consecrated home. I seek the Lord, there is no way to live without Jesus. If at some point we took Christ out of our home, forgive us and help us to walk straight. The Lord is the one who gives us the impulse to live worthily, then I will be an example like Christ.


I will consecrate to the Lord everything I do. So my heart will be consecrated to you. Prepare me and my family for your kingdom. This way we will enjoy eternal life forever by your side. It diverts our eyes from seeking things that have no eternal value and harm the soul. In the confrontations of life I will not lower my head to the enemy.

Hear this prayer from the consecrated home, come and dwell not only in our home, but in all of our hearts. God, I know I am a sinner, so I turn to you alone. You our plans together will be successful because we will keep your eternal word.

Holy Father of light, the darkness around this world is increasing. The enemy will certainly act in a more powerful way, damaging the home. But Where sin dwells, grace abounds. My victory is very certain, close to you I will continue, because I trust in you, my God.

Helping us to worship more in our homes answers this prayer of the consecrated home. Because I see your actions in my life, my God. Your light shines in our home when we seek you. An atmosphere of grace takes over everything. In every prayer made our heart feels happy.

I end my prayer by thanking you for listening to me. Thanks and praise be given to the Lord. In the name of Jesus. Amen!

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