Shield of Faith Prayer

always embracing the shield of faith, with which you will be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the Evil One. Ephesians 6:16

Almighty God, faithfulness to you makes me seek the Lord in shield of faith prayer. Knowing that the Lord is good and his mercy endures forever. Your forgiveness gives me peace and joy, so I walk with you, feeling your presence. When the enemy comes against me, I will raise my shield and defeat him with the blood of the lamb. Prince Emanuel died on the cross and is winner forever and being the connecting bridge between earth and heaven.


Father, no matter how powerful the enemy is, he can never be more than the Lord. In fact, the Lord is victorious from the beginning because your cause is just. So listen to this prayer of the shield of faith and be my protector forever. O God, protect me and keep me when I am walking through dark places or full of traps. This way I will always see the Lord guiding me through the red zones of life.

If my life seems to be outside of its purpose, put me back on the road to truth. So my life will not be empty, but full of the Holy Spirit. So in this prayer of the shield of faith I am sure that it is powerful and will give me my treasure that day.


May my path always be the one that the Lord designed for my life. That way  I will follow until the end knowing that I am walking for what is right, even if there are many situations that seem to be the opposite. As Habakkuk 2:4 states: the righteous will live by faith, so I quickly cling to everything the Lord has promised for my life. That's why those people who actually have reasons why they walk the Paths of truth can live by faith.


Lord, I know that No one can firmly follow your path if they do not understand the reasons why they are on it.. My God, everyone must choose to believe or not to believe, but if they believe they must live according to what they believe, otherwise there is no point in believing.

So hear this prayer of mine from the shield of faith and break all the enemy's informed data. That's why break the bond of evil, the darts of lies, the darts of hypocrisy, and every dart that comes to affect my spiritual life. In the same way, my God, break every spear that is thrown at me so that I can stand firm by faith. And that the enemy will not prevail because his days are numbered.

Furthermore, my God has been defeated from the beginning and on the cross of Calvary everything was consummated. That there on the cross the serpent bit Christ's feet, but at the same time his head was crushed. That way the death of my savior resulted in grace for all humanity. Therefore, my great God, I embrace this victory through faith and love for you. Help me use the talents that I have in this fight against the enemy.

Christ, living as a man, prayed the shield of faith because he knew he could not go against his own principles. This means my Father, that the triune divinity does not fight against its own character.

So be my shield, come and shield me spiritually, pouring your spirit over me. So, even in my difficulties and problems, I would reach the end and receive the crown of Glory from my beloved savior Jesus Christ. In his name I ask and thank you for all of this. Amen!

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