Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your Holy Spirit from me. Psalms 51:10,11
My beloved God, this prayer of the pure heart It is because I want to change it. But I know that this work will be possible through the omnipotent power of the Holy Spirit. So I also know that without His operation in my life it cannot be transformed.
Although I know that keeping a pure heart is not easy, I am happy to know that this is not a work that I do myself. So I place it in your hands so that the Lord can perform a major surgery and put life and hope in it. May Jesus sit on the throne of my heart and guide me along the path of goodness..
I know that this prayer of mine from a pure heart is not in vain because I know that the Lord has always heard me. In the same way, I know that the Lord answers some prayers at the time that He knows is best for me. But certainly this is a need today and for this reason I feel vigor in my being as soon as I finish the prayer.
Jesus Christ is my daily renewal, so help me to meditate on what he has done for me and what he is working on at this moment in my life. That is why my prayer is the same as the psalmist's, because I want him to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me.
Surely in your righteousness I am transformed, so I confess my sins in this prayer with a pure heart before you and ask for forgiveness. May gratitude shine in my heart at all times for everything that the Lord has done and will do in my life. So I will not live a spiritual life just for the sake of it but in spirit and in truth.
Look inside me. I know that there is nothing good naturally, but the Lord is putting an antidote and changing everything. So all the good things that I do, I know that they come from you, because there is no good in me. So I recognize your greatness so that I do not magnify myself through a good attitude. Be the center of my life and do not cast me away from your presence..
My hopes are in your hands because when I look inside myself I see no way to save myself, when I look to Jesus I see no way to lose myself. So come and answer this prayer of my pure heart and renew it for eternity. Place my heart in your presence and may your light that shines like the Sun of justice come and transform it..
I seek you fervently in this prayer with much determination because through perseverance I will gain eternal life. Even though I know that this does not give me merit I run holding on to the protective mantle of Jesus.
I know that my King of glory lives forever, He is there as the only intercessor, because He is worthy of having died for me. On the cross of Calvary he embraced me and loved me. In this prayer of the pure heart I ask that he enter and make his home.
May the flame of hope open my heart daily, may the fervor in seeking you grow and also, may my joy be eternal in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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