When Job heard this, he got up, tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” Job 1:20,21
Lord God, I present myself to you with this prayer of contentment because I wish to have the spirit of the faithful of all times. Only in the Lord do I trust, from you comes the power so that I can remain firm and not get lost in this great journey of this life. So always come and illuminate my path.
Just as Job was content, I also want to be content. I know that doesn't mean that I won't feel down at times, but that I'm by your side. So Regardless of what happens in my life, I want to honor you with everything I have, so come and make changes in me..
I believe only in the Lord to move forward, I am seeking you with this prayer of contentment. Even in the face of financial problems, I want to remain faithful. Even when faced with physical, emotional and family problems, I want to be a person connected to the Lord..
God, the Lord is everything in all things in my life, so I ask that you do not let me deviate from the purpose that you have for my life. So give me forces in the struggles in all moments. If the Lord gives me something and suddenly takes it away, help me see that it is the best thing at the time..
I know that your greatest desire is to save me, so be with me, help me to seek you with this prayer of contentment. Just like Job, I want to be faithful even if I lose everything, because I don't want to lose my faith and trust in you. So come fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I may continue steadfastly.
My salvation is in Jesus, I wait for his coming to seek all the saved. That is why I seek the Lord to be in communion with you, strengthening my faith. So help me to have the perseverance and faithfulness of Job.
Eternal God, I place my faith in you with this prayer of contentment. I do not want to deny you, although Job had a certain ignorance regarding the Lord, he did not stray from his path, he was faithful. So that I may remain firm even in the face of trials.
My desire is to be with you forever, so do not allow me to become attached to this world, do not let me put down roots in it. Even though I fight for my goals, don't let me get tied to them. to the point of putting my spiritual life on the back burner.
If I am doing something wrong, hear this prayer of contentment and help me walk the right path on your path. Always be the center of my life so that I don't give up on you. How great it is to be by your side. That's why I want to be with Jesus forever.
I surrender all that I am to the Lord so that He may help me to be content with little or with much, in trials or in the absence of them. Continue to direct my life towards eternity in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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