And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night, even though he delays with them? Luke 18:7
My God and Father, in this prayer of the cry I ask you with all devotion for your blessings for my life. My desire for you is increasing every day because your Holy Spirit is continually working in my life. So help me to draw closer to you at all times, because this way I will be more firm with you.
Lord I need you, my soul longs your Holy presence that transforms all those who accept your wonderful forgiveness. Christ says that those who seek you insistently will have their request accepted. Although I know that everything is according to your will, I insist, because the Lord knows what is best for me. In fact, my relationship with you becomes stronger.
God, this prayer of crying out is because I need to feel you daily in my life. My eternal Father, the Lord opens doors, performs miracles, acts in a way that encourages us and marvels at your mighty deeds. So it is good to be with you, for you strengthen us and forgive our sins when we repent and confess.
Change my life so that I may be a vessel of blessing, help me to always insist, all with love and devotion to the Lord who loves and welcomes. Oh Lord, your greatness attracts me, my reverence It is a response to what you are in my life and what you do in everyone.
Holy Father, how good it is to follow you and know that there is a true God who hears us and protects us from evil. Without a doubt, the Lord cares about me, even though I am a flawed and sinful person.. That is why I never stop seeking you, because in you lies the meaning of my life. Thus I place my goals under your care.
In this prayer of cry I place my whole being in your hands. I will certainly be a better person because the Lord will always have His hands open to forgive me and help me. I want what I need most at the moment, because the Lord knows all my needs.
My desire is to honor you, for you are above all things. So how could I not cry out to the God who created everything with the power of his word? Christ is the word of life, your word in creation, came and died for me, even in my sinful condition.
My heart is happy, my joy is always because of your action in my life. That is why I will always be insistent like the woman in this passage went to the judge. He gave her what she asked for because of her insistence. So God will give by his love and mercy.
I ask that you hear this prayer of the cry and that you help me to always fear you, no matter the circumstance. So I I will have reverence, and humiliation when looking for you and in my whole way of living.
Take my life into your hands, give me power, strengthen my faith, in the name of Jesus. Amen!
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